Tonight on BBC 4 at 9 o'clock!
Yes, it's a REPEAT ... yet well~worth watching!
about the short notice, but I've only just seen this. ...
One of my earliest childhood memories was of my father telling me he'd been present at the launching of the great ocean~going vessel from John Brown's shipyard on the River Clyde in 1936.
And so, for years, I'd harboured (pun intended) the notion that, someday I'd see her for myself - in all her glory.
Alas ...... that day never seemed to come. And in 1967, I learned she was to be taken out of service and berthed, indefinitely, in Long Beach, California as a tourist attraction.
"'s that!" I remember thinking at the time ...
... "there's NO chance of me seeing her now".
Then, in 1992, shortly after the death of my first wife, my daughter - who, immediately after graduating from Glasgow University's Jordanhill College, had spent 3 months in the US - suggested I go on a holiday to America. Having been granted permission by my employers to take the whole of my 5 weeks' Annual Leave at once, I duly set off. And during the second week of my travels I happened to be on the USA's West Coast ... thus enabling me to fulfill my long~held dream of boarding the famous ship - which is nowadays permanently berthed at Long Beach, Los Angeles.
Therefore, for me at least, this programme is unmissable!