Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
It will be a civil marriage (non-church) for sure as neither of us are particularly religious. I might have to arrive early before the wedding and get this done. Can somebody also confirm that I understand the process of things we NEED to do before the marriage as the following:

1. Affirm or affidavit at English Embassy (take all my personal documents) Can I do this in February for a wedding in July?

2. Get marriage license from the Filipino government

Are these 2 things the only things we need to do other than organise the actual wedding itself?
In principle yes.

There are details.....as always...

Do be aware that some authorities issuing the Marriage Licence also request sight of the CENOMAR of both parties. Mean the foreign partner also.
Means just one more thing to check. Your Fiancee can do this. It's not a legal requirement but if the authorities demand it then you must obey.

You might also be requested to attend the "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Have your Fiancee check this at the place you intend to marry and ask when you apply for
the marriage license.
You should also ask about using a marriage contract expedite service to secure the marriage certificate asap otherwise you could end up waiting for ages (months) which#
is something you don't need if waiting to apply for a visa.

After you first apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage bans are published. Remember this.

How much time off work can you realsitically secure for this wedding ???