Hi Phil,

Best not to worry about ILR & citizenship at the moment as it will be a few years till you get to that stage. Life in the UK test also comes later.

One important thing you should be aware of now is to collect as much evidence as you can that you are in a genuine relationship. This will all help once you apply for your visa. Photos (dated), letters to each other, tickets to/from philippines and anything that proves time you have spent together.

It's a long time since we married in the Philippines (7 years) but back then you needed a document from the registry office here showing your intent to get married in the Philippines. This takes some time to get after you apply so best to enquire about that so you can plan dates. This document was then exchanged at the British embassy in Manilla for another document/permit which will allow you to get married. (this may have changed so either check with someone else who has done it recently (cheekee?) and also look on the British embassy manilla website. I can't advise on English tests as it wasn't a requirement when we married. However I believe you still need to get a CFO sticker in your wife's passport before you can leave the country. You may (both) need to attend seminars before they will issue it.

Don't bother paying a solicitor and DEFINITELY do not employ an agency in the Philippines to help you! Just ask on the forum as plenty of people on here have done it before you.

Good luck!