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Thread: "Doctors' Strike Devastating!": Health Secretary

  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    "Doctors' Strike Devastating!": Health Secretary ...

    ... Jeremy, you're claiming to be devastated at the misery that
    consecutive 5-day *strikes - effective from September 12 to 16 (inclusive) - will cause patients? Well, of course, ... by the same token, *they ain't exactly a "picnic" for the junior doctors!!!!!

    ... so watcha gonna do about it, bud?

    Since, IMO, ... you should be "hunt"ed!
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 6th September 2016 at 00:33.

  2. #2
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    Sorry, my support for the Junior Doctors ran out a while ago. 5 day strikes are unacceptable. This is a union thing - the BMA is a union.

  3. #3
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    The planned strikes by junior doctors only apply to England. Although they are confusingly called " junior " until into their thirties when training is complete, I am not by any criteria one of them !

    Senior - and retired - doctors such as myself may justifiably be accused of being " out of touch " if we offer our opinions.

    Thus the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges ( including my College of Pathologists ) has issued a very brief statement :-

    " The Academy … is disappointed at the prospect of further sustained industrial action by junior doctors.

    We are acutely aware that the NHS is under extreme pressure at the moment. Patient safety and quality of care must be the priority.

    We know that there are genuine concerns about the contract and working arrangements, but we do not consider the proposed strikes are proportionate. Five days of strike action, particularly at such short notice, will cause real problems for patients, the service and the profession. "

    The Patients Association agrees a 7-day service would benefit patients, but point out that it MUST be fully funded. They further say the Government and the BMA should " appreciate they are in a privileged position: words seem to come easy and cost very little to them, but to the public it is costing them a great deal in lost working days, anxiety, pain and uncertainty ".

    Both the Department of Health / Jeremy Hunt and the BMA should be held to account for their actions, and restart meaningful consultations. Hunt’s plans for a " cost-neutral " but expanded seven-day NHS service are not credible among NHS staff ( or even his own department ), which is why so far there is no attempt to impose such plans elsewhere in the UK.

    Public sympathy may well be less - and hostility increase - over the next few months, if the planned strike actions go ahead. Perhaps members of our Forum will have more to say on this topic.

  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I work in 24/7 healthcare. We had a 1% pay rise. The junior doctors are getting a 13%. Not a bad deal in my opinion.

  5. #5
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    I do think you need to be employed in the NHS to have a proper understanding of this subject... and for that reason... I'M OUT.

  6. #6
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    We have just lost a F1 on nights and I have taken over that role. Our team didn't get much notice.

    This summer I have seen winter presures for the first time with very busy A+E with ambulances cohorting patients who can't be offloaded. 4 hour breach targets are getting more difficult to meet and patients are having to be placed more often in the wrong bed. For example elderly patients on surgical wards. Patients on the wrong ward for their conditions causing delays in being seen and reviewed by their teams. Delays in discharges because of this.

    I support the junior doctors in these strikes but not sure a 5 day one is appropriate as it will cause many cancellations of elective surgery and clinic work . It's not just about their working conditions. It's about the future of the NHS.

    But jeremy hunt has a lot to answer for as well as the government.

    I have nor seen a pay rise for some time now and my colleagues and i deserve better.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hmm ... ... I see the imminent strike has now been called off:

    Next week's "industrial" action would've marked the first of a series
    of four 5-day stoppages scheduled for the remaining months of the year ... in what has now escalated into the the 'BIGGEST - and most serious - "industrial" relations dispute' in the entire history of the NHS!

  8. #8
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I am on a waiting list for having "Transurethral Resection of Prostrate" , which is boring out my prostrate, they have not even given me a proposed date yet, I asked my Dr if they could speed things up as getting any decent sleep is impossible with toilet trips during the night which produce a dribble, they said they could refer me to a mainland hospital (I live on the Isle of Wight an Island off Southampton/Portsmouth) but that would likely mean they would want to re do all the test that I have already had and that of course would mean more time delay and the cost of getting there the ferry service is very costly, so I am at the mercy of not only any delays by the Drs strikes, but the government are saying they will delay non life threatening operations to save resources for "winter problems"
    Perhaps they are hoping I did waiting and save them the bother"


  9. #9
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    Only a couple of times a night for me Michael.

    Reminds me of the aftermath of coming home with a skinful when I was a lad... but without the hangover in the morning.

    Good luck with it anyway mate.

  10. #10
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    I’m sure we’re all relieved the BMA has suspended the " industrial action " ( their words ) planned for the week of 12 September, having listened to the concerns of working doctors, patient groups and the public. The remaining programme of action remains in place, for now. They are not absolving the Secretary of State, who " continues to strive towards an uncosted, unfunded, unstaffed extended seven day service ".

    The General Medical Council has no doubt influenced their decision. They have warned that it’s " hard to see how … the risk of harm and suffering to patients .. can be avoided " with the action still planned. The duties of a doctor are set out in the GMC " Good Medical Practice ", which says that doctors must make the care of their patients the first concern.

    Clearly the scale and repeated nature of what is proposed means that patients WILL suffer. Not only emergency services will be affected, but also tens of thousands of operations and procedures, outpatient appointments and tests will be cancelled, if this industrial action continues.

    Mick’s honest post here is an example of how one Forum member is suffering and fears further delays in treatment. He’s not alone.

    Even if we are not NHS employees, and may not fully understand the issues involved, it must surely be in ALL our interests to hope that the government will return to negotiations and both sides to come to an acceptable compromise as soon as possible.

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  12. #12
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I'll trust a Doctor over a slimy politician all day long.

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