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Thread: Hospitals in England on the brink of collapse

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Hospitals in England on the brink of collapse

    Yes its all over the news Hospitals in England is on the brink of collapse warns the NHS chiefs.
    What is the answer, pour more money into it, cut back on certain things, or maybe give the work out to the private sector (same as pouring more cash into it really ).
    So what would you or i do, they folk on the street who dont have a clue or really a say in where the money should go to keep it afloat.
    Insurance policy , just like insuring your house/car/dog/life/holiday and even injuries at work,
    We pay out all this money for the just in case and we shop around for the best deal too, so what is realy more important for all of us, more important then all those i have mentioned above and many keep on telling me too,"YOUR HEALTH".
    Yes many may say we pay in already out of our wages or we have paid in all my working life and now i am retired why should i pay , well many of you still pay insurance till the day you die again for the ones mentioned above.
    Anyone else have any ideas

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Stop all the illegals from abusing our system. Stop giving billions in aid to countries that don't and have never needed it. Reel in all unessesary spending and tax high earners more.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Stop all the illegals from abusing our system. Stop giving billions in aid to countries that don't and have never needed it. Reel in all unessesary spending and tax high earners more.
    All great ideas Steve, billions in aid should be stopped or reduced to only the needed, but still we are sending silly amounts to countries who are powerful and yet they still treat there own people as scum.
    Why is it the folk on the street seems to have all the answers but the so called clever people who run our country dont have the answers.
    Or is it we send money to help these poor countries, then the money we sent them they buy our goods like planes ,rockets , guns, even the odd warships, then our government tells us we need them to buy our goods to keep our people employed

  4. #4
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Just think of all the money openly poured into the African countries over the last 30 years since Band Aid and the likes, what has changed? Nothing. Just genocide and war, funded by charities.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  5. #5
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    The rich and powerful in this country have no need to soil their shoes in NHS premises.

    MILLIONS of freeloaders now in the soft-touch UK , with above average breeding rates, soaking up the taxpayers' cash, meaning that the 'hated' OAPs who were born here and contributed to the economy for maybe 50+ years are sidelined.

  6. #6
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    They need to find a solution to the waste in the NHS. Sure put more money in, but fix the ruinous management and bad practices too. Of course I'm not sure that is possible. (This is not a reflection on the vast majority of hard working staff).

  7. #7
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    The trouble with the NHS is that it's run as hundreds of different companies rather than one big one. Each hospital buying from who they feel like instead of combining their group status and getting a better deal.
    I even sent an email to Jeremy Hunt offering to install an online ordering system into the hospitals and guaranteeing to save them millions every year, but he and the NHS weren't interested as they said it was down to each individual hospital or trust, to source their own goods

  8. #8
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    As with our education system, too many people squabbling over it, and constantly fiddling about with it , making changes, often to the detriment of the end-user.

    I agree, probably a national centrally-administered organisation offers a lot of advantages.

    When I see Costcutter or Spa being able to out-buy Asda, Tesco etc, then basic economic principles can be questioned by a Health Minister.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    As with our education system, too many people squabbling over it, and constantly fiddling about with it , making changes, often to the detriment of the end-user.

    I agree, probably a national centrally-administered organisation offers a lot of advantages.

    When I see Costcutter or Spa being able to out-buy Asda, Tesco etc, then basic economic principles can be questioned by a Health Minister.
    I noticed you mentioned education system Graham, there seems to be a possibility that Grammer Schools could be returning, if this is correct it will certainly be a nice comeback

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    For starters..Let the Matrons and nurses run the wards..How much would that save on bloody wasted management and admin costs..
    Its not rocket science.

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