Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
Sally what can i say ?, i can only pass on my condolences to you for your sad loss, and the excellent imformation and advice Marksroomspain above has given looks to me to be something you should consider. Loneliness unless someone has experienced it no-one will ever know, yes its great to have your family around you, and to be somewhere that you are familiar with, and knowing where you can go to find the simplest of things.... I think once you have come to terms with your loss you will be able to do the thing that is best for you, your Keith would only want one thing and that is for you to be happy, do not think that going back home would be something against his memory just think positive and try to remember lovingly the times you shared together, and YOU made him happy during his last years.. God bless you..
Harry thank you...my eyes are leaking while reading your post. you've just said the most endearing words anyone like me would love to hear so it's more than enough..