Well what is the difference between a manager and an assistant manager?
To me the manager get the assistant manager to do all the work and yet he gets all the glory, well this assistant manager has had enough of that and he has turned.
I am fed up with getting the work done to the best of my ability and this t---t says its his way and all is well.
Its been 2 weeks since it is down to me and him running the place and it done run smooth too ( and thats because of me )
Over the last few days i have let him try to run things and what cock ups he causes, i then have to step in and change things, he then says nothing until i have walked out of the office then he tries to tell anyone who will listen,
Each day starts like this Morning Steve , i reply morning, and then the day just goes along, he may ask my advice on something he does not know or something he has done but forgot about it, i do remind him if its his cock up and for him to sort it out,i must admit i never ask him for advice.
Its funny i seem to have a great memory at work and i try to complete any queries that comes my way, i hate when someone else gets involved and does not finish it , and that is what i say to everyone, if you take a call see it through till the end.
So how long can this last working like this , well for me, forever i get paid to do a job the best i can and i do get paid well,
For the other bloke the manager 18 months, sorry 10 months , sorry Christmas , sorry i am going to F----K them up i am leaving without telling them, yes these are all words spoken from his mouth to many others who would listen, he told me 18 months.
We shall see.