thats what these people are and bullies and scared .... too.
Today i went to see my brother like i do most weekends and today as the street where he lives is busy with parked cars so i parked further down his street outside this house but not blocking the drive.
There is nothing parked near me at all in fact its empty this part of the street is where i parked.
After a few hours i come back to my car and its nearly blocked in thats no problem i can get out of that gap by going back and forth a few times but some .... had pored orange juice over my car too.
I went back to my brothers house and asking whos cars these was and he came back , but not one person came out of the houses, well he was ranting about the F,in people around and he is well known to the street too, but again no one came out.
What right has anyone to block your car in and even worst throw things onto it, i wished someone did come out and at leased explain why they did it, but i am sure in time i will find out and tell them what i think of them.
The good thing is the car has had a wash ok only down one side