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Thread: New Shower Heater Fitted

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Marikina City
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    Lightbulb New Shower Heater Fitted

    With the ongoing cloudy rainy-season the water was getting quite cold.
    My wife decided she'd had enough of a really cold shower so I installed a small shower heater.
    Nothing too fancy, just a 3.5kW unit. Enough power to give a warm shower and still maintain a good water flow.

    When we lived in Davao last year the water was really really cold....always....
    We enjoyed it then as the weather was really hot and we had no rainy-season so a cold shower was a very welcome treat any time of day.

    It took me all day to figure out and actually do it. The big challenge wasn't the plumbing as that pretty much existed and just needed some additions and tweaks. It was the electrics that caused me to think and rethink. Philippines electrics can be confusing and putting in another circuit from the consumer panel took some consideration.
    Once I had it done and looked back it was straightfoward and easy, thanks to the good job done previously by our certified electrician. But do be warned, real care is needed with electrics here.
    Luckiliy I had an easy job to get the earth wire connected, which is not alwasy the case, but still installed an RCD breaker just in case.

    Drilling holes through walls for the cables also takes time. I had one hitch and the drill just wouldn't go further in.
    I moved position by a couple of inches and all was OK. I reckon I hit some rebar on the first hole.
    These walls here are really tough and really thick even the internals.

    I think I did a pretty good job and everything looks neat and well hidden. I've included a couple of extra circuit possibilities on the consumer panel and now only have 2 spare blocks.

    The whole thing works well especially with the hi-tech shower head that provides great pressue plus water saving. Marvelous piece of kit really.
    Power shower performance at 30% water saving.

    My wife is thrilled and that's the biggest satisfaction.

    Thanks to Wilcon at Libis where got all the stuff I needed.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    You are3 in her good books now then.

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