So just where we draw the line ?, we have economic migrants, we have people searching for a better life, i dont know its a difficult problem, Mrs Merkel has a lot to answer for..
But we have people in our own country who would no doubts like to study to be a Doctor, but its not as simple as that... I wanted to be a Train Driver when i was young, but it never happened for whatever reason.. whilst i have every sympathy for these people, the politicians have to find an answer to this problem, bcuz there are millions upon millions not only on the African continent but worldwide, I know its hard but a line has to be drawn under this somewhere, we ourselves have seen millions of these economic migrants from the EU who when compared to those in Africa could be considered to have a reasonable way of life...

Im afraid the internet, Social media, Smart Phones have all helped to make this an ongoing and increasing problem, make no mistake this is not going to end anytime soon...