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Thread: Mr DU30: First 100 days

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Mr DU30: First 100 days

    Like him or loathe him he's kept to his word and really shaken things up.

    According to the well respected SWS, Mr DU30 popularity and approval ratings remain high 100 days into his presidency.

    Full details can be found here:-

    - On Drugs and Crime

    Mr DU30's ticket came on the back of a promise to make the Philippines safer by tackling illegal drugs and crime with an iron fist.
    Whereas Human Rights organisations have raised concerns that innocent peoplely risk being killed, and also state that hard line campaigns will never halt drug

    For the time being however Mr DU30 remains undeterred, going on to indicate that further time is needed to go after the high-value targets.

    The volume of crime has fallen 49 percent.

    - On Corruption

    Mr DU30 Duterte promised to crack down hard on corruption.
    He has already taken steps to remove senior police officials and senior civil servants from their posts. He also threatens to expose those 'oligarchs' by public announcements
    and to follow up with arrest. Especially the major tax evaders.

    His strategy is to simplify and fully automate processes and transactions in order to minimise opportunities for corruption.
    To date more than 70 percent of the 1,389 local government departments audited were in full compliance.

    - On Mining and Environment Polloution

    Mr DU30 and his Environment Secretary Gina Lopez have reviewed and audited mining organisations.
    This has resulted in written orders to either fully comply with local and international regulation or face shut down. The Philippines is a world leader in the
    supply nickel ore.
    To date 10 mining organisations have been suspended and a further 20 have been ordered to either comply or face shut down.

    - On Traffic Congestion

    DU30 has already resolved some longstanding disputed issues. This has resulted in 2 of 3 elevated railway lines in Manila being fully interconnected.
    He has also requested emergency powers that will allow him to put roads through private subdivisions, completely ban provincial buses on major highways and to increase
    the capacity of metro lines. To be honest he hasn't made the political progress he asked for and his impatience is increasing. So much so that he has now
    signaled a strong willingness to accept Chinese investment for the needed infrastructure improvements.

    We can only wait and see which way it pans out.

    - On Economic Reforms

    DU30 states that "economic growth is meaningless unless it benefits the poor.
    He’s pushing hard to cut personal income tax and adjust taxes on petroleum products.
    He also has a big push on the Finance Department's tax reforms. DU30 insists on a reforming the tax system to be fairer, simpler and more efficient.

    Mr DU30 has a major strategy to reduce poverty to 17 percent from the current 26 percent within his in six years term and to see a pathway to having the Philippines a
    high-income country within one generation.

    - On Employment

    There's no escaping the fact that the consumer economy is, to a large extent, supported by OFW remittances.
    The official unemployment rate is stated at 5.4 percent. Mr DU30 want to improve the quality and also availability of jobs and and pay.
    His administration is planning a national minimum wage.
    The spin-off may even reduce the current increases in Manila population.

    DU30 want to complete his strategy on minimising contractualisation. The government will move to cut by 50% the number of workers on short-term contracts before the
    end of the 2016
    The overiding strategy is to minimise the need for workers to seek overseas employment.

    - Peace in Mindanao

    So many years of troubles and conflict in Mindanao has created an island with the highest poverty rate in the Philippines.
    It remains a big ask.
    As Mr DU30 said “Peace building is a lifetime.”

    Let's see what the next 100 days will bring..............

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    A brief summary of first 100 days..

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Like him or loathe him he's kept to his word and really shaken things up.

    According to the well respected SWS, Mr DU30 popularity and approval ratings remain high 100 days into his presidency.

    Full details can be found here:-

    - On Drugs and Crime

    Mr DU30's ticket came on the back of a promise to make the Philippines safer by tackling illegal drugs and crime with an iron fist.
    Whereas Human Rights organisations have raised concerns that innocent peoplely risk being killed, and also state that hard line campaigns will never halt drug

    For the time being however Mr DU30 remains undeterred, going on to indicate that further time is needed to go after the high-value targets.

    The volume of crime has fallen 49 percent.

    - On Corruption

    Mr DU30 Duterte promised to crack down hard on corruption.
    He has already taken steps to remove senior police officials and senior civil servants from their posts. He also threatens to expose those 'oligarchs' by public announcements
    and to follow up with arrest. Especially the major tax evaders.

    His strategy is to simplify and fully automate processes and transactions in order to minimise opportunities for corruption.
    To date more than 70 percent of the 1,389 local government departments audited were in full compliance.

    - On Mining and Environment Polloution

    Mr DU30 and his Environment Secretary Gina Lopez have reviewed and audited mining organisations.
    This has resulted in written orders to either fully comply with local and international regulation or face shut down. The Philippines is a world leader in the
    supply nickel ore.
    To date 10 mining organisations have been suspended and a further 20 have been ordered to either comply or face shut down.

    - On Traffic Congestion

    DU30 has already resolved some longstanding disputed issues. This has resulted in 2 of 3 elevated railway lines in Manila being fully interconnected.
    He has also requested emergency powers that will allow him to put roads through private subdivisions, completely ban provincial buses on major highways and to increase
    the capacity of metro lines. To be honest he hasn't made the political progress he asked for and his impatience is increasing. So much so that he has now
    signaled a strong willingness to accept Chinese investment for the needed infrastructure improvements.

    We can only wait and see which way it pans out.

    - On Economic Reforms

    DU30 states that "economic growth is meaningless unless it benefits the poor.
    He’s pushing hard to cut personal income tax and adjust taxes on petroleum products.
    He also has a big push on the Finance Department's tax reforms. DU30 insists on a reforming the tax system to be fairer, simpler and more efficient.

    Mr DU30 has a major strategy to reduce poverty to 17 percent from the current 26 percent within his in six years term and to see a pathway to having the Philippines a
    high-income country within one generation.

    - On Employment

    There's no escaping the fact that the consumer economy is, to a large extent, supported by OFW remittances.
    The official unemployment rate is stated at 5.4 percent. Mr DU30 want to improve the quality and also availability of jobs and and pay.
    His administration is planning a national minimum wage.
    The spin-off may even reduce the current increases in Manila population.

    DU30 want to complete his strategy on minimising contractualisation. The government will move to cut by 50% the number of workers on short-term contracts before the
    end of the 2016
    The overiding strategy is to minimise the need for workers to seek overseas employment.

    - Peace in Mindanao

    So many years of troubles and conflict in Mindanao has created an island with the highest poverty rate in the Philippines.
    It remains a big ask.
    As Mr DU30 said “Peace building is a lifetime.”

    Let's see what the next 100 days will bring..............
    I wish him well,

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    A brief summary of first 100 days..
    Well if you believe everything you read in the papers and on the news, well as they say "boots on the ground"

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    What a good idea!! Any complaints about tardy Gov. employees delaying permits text or call the President on his TV show!

    Duterte announces upcoming morning show on PTV4

    "All Filipinos who experience, whether it's in the permit in the office of the mayor, or an electrical clearance or way of right already paid but implemented, you can text it. Your name, the government official, do not add your name," he added.
    Duterte reiterated his call on the government employees to efficiently do their job, without causing plight to the public.
    "To those in the government, I will see to it, you are dismissed… Don't make me fool because I don't want that. That's it," Duterte said.
    The President urged the public to cooperate by telling their encounters against negligent public employees.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    What a good idea!! Any complaints about tardy Gov. employees delaying permits text or call the President on his TV show!

    Duterte announces upcoming morning show on PTV4

    "All Filipinos who experience, whether it's in the permit in the office of the mayor, or an electrical clearance or way of right already paid but implemented, you can text it. Your name, the government official, do not add your name," he added.
    Duterte reiterated his call on the government employees to efficiently do their job, without causing plight to the public.
    "To those in the government, I will see to it, you are dismissed… Don't make me fool because I don't want that. That's it," Duterte said.
    The President urged the public to cooperate by telling their encounters against negligent public employees.
    I'm getting prepared for my next visit to immigration.
    Need to update my address on my ACR card.
    For what seems, to me at least, a simple basic change in circumstances certainly demands a fair bit of legally certified and notarised documentation.
    I also need an affidavit of address change in support of a signed letter from our Barangay captain.

    Hopefully I'll sail through it but who knows.

    Next step will be yet another attempt to secure certified copies of my Certificate of Residence for Tax Purposes and My Tax Identification Number. I need this in my further efforts to transfer some UK income for tax liability here and No Tax back in UK

    It's a often tricky path, but fingers crossed.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'm getting prepared for my next visit to immigration.
    Need to update my address on my ACR card.
    For what seems, to me at least, a simple basic change in circumstances certainly demands a fair bit of legally certified and notarised documentation.
    I also need an affidavit of address change in support of a signed letter from our Barangay captain.

    Hopefully I'll sail through it but who knows.

    Next step will be yet another attempt to secure certified copies of my Certificate of Residence for Tax Purposes and My Tax Identification Number. I need this in my further efforts to transfer some UK income for tax liability here and No Tax back in UK

    It's a often tricky path, but fingers crossed.
    You are the one other people look to for guidance in most of these matters with immigration, so we can only benefit from all your hoops you find you have to jump through.

    Well done,

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'm getting prepared for my next visit to immigration.
    Need to update my address on my ACR card.
    For what seems, to me at least, a simple basic change in circumstances certainly demands a fair bit of legally certified and notarised documentation.
    I also need an affidavit of address change in support of a signed letter from our Barangay captain.

    Hopefully I'll sail through it but who knows.

    Next step will be yet another attempt to secure certified copies of my Certificate of Residence for Tax Purposes and My Tax Identification Number. I need this in my further efforts to transfer some UK income for tax liability here and No Tax back in UK

    It's a often tricky path, but fingers crossed.

    My residential address is still in Manila..Just seems that my vacations to Bohol always seem to coincide with the reporting dates!
    Never had an issue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My residential address is still in Manila..Just seems that my vacations to Bohol always seem to coincide with the reporting dates!
    Never had an issue.
    Yes Fred, understand that and I wouldn't normally make a change. However, I need documents from the BIR to submit to HMRC and all these documents must match.

    The cost and effort will be well worth it to secure the double taxation agreements.

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Yes Fred, understand that and I wouldn't normally make a change. However, I need documents from the BIR to submit to HMRC and all these documents must match.

    The cost and effort will be well worth it to secure the double taxation agreements.
    Really?? What kind of Docs do the HMRC require from the BIR?
    Surprised that your residency status in the R.P is not sufficient...

    Ive also heard something about a qualifying recognized overseas Pension Scheme where you can receive your pension tax free from the UK to somewhere like Gibraltar.. I assume with a set up like that the UK pension is then in effect,tax free if living here in the R.P.
    Is that correct?

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    QROPS (qualifying recognized overseas Pension Scheme)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Really?? What kind of Docs do the HMRC require from the BIR?
    Surprised that your residency status in the R.P is not sufficient...

    Ive also heard something about a qualifying recognized overseas Pension Scheme where you can receive your pension tax free from the UK to somewhere like Gibraltar.. I assume with a set up like that the UK pension is then in effect,tax free if living here in the R.P.
    Is that correct?
    Yes Fred, that possible in some cases. I did investigate the pros and cons in my own case and found it just wasn't possible with the schemes I have.
    The double taxation agreement offers the best option for me despite RoE issues.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    QROPS (qualifying recognized overseas Pension Scheme)
    Here are some limitations that affected me:-

    Only defined contribution, defined benefit pension schemes and SSAS can be transferred abroad.

    UK state pensions cannot be transferred.

    The rules also state:- established in a Member State of the European Union, Norway, Liechtenstein or Iceland, India, and the United States......... established in a country or territory with which the UK has a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) that contains exchange of information and non-discrimination provisions - see the list in RPSM14101046......
    I wonder if Brexit will have impacts?

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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