You just have to let these idiots on their way, best they have an accident with someone in front of you rather than crashing into you. Even if I'm in a much much faster car I let any such idiot past and on their way. However as in Steve's case sometimes you can't avoid a confrontation with them.

I refuse to give up on one of my enjoyable hobbies just because of other idiots. Driving (or riding a motorbike) gives you the ultimate freedom. I love nothing more than driving down to The Alps for a summer break instead of flying.

I now have permanently installed dashcams in both my and Rose's cars (not the TVR though, just the Merc). I'm not a 'dashcam warrior' and would only really use it for evidence of an idiot/my defence I recorded this the other week, don't sit next to left-hand drive trucks:

Mind you, I also recorded when I overtook an unmarked Police car who subsequently followed me for 10 miles of the A5 at 'high speed' and stopped me... ahem (I don't record speed on the GPS stamp of the camera btw).