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Thread: Bringing the family over

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Bringing the family over

    We are looking at bring the family over, "well the father and brother".
    So can anyone advice me whet we need to do, from here and there.
    I am thinking they do not have any sort of passport so what do they have to do to get this, and what is it that we have to do at this end.
    Its just a family holiday and nothing more , we are hoping this could happen next year and maybe they could stay here a month or so.
    So boys and girls what do we need to do.

  2. #2
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    Firstly, here's the link to the UKVI webpage for visit visas:-

    Each will need to submit their visa application.

    The key points:-
    The earliest submission of application is 3 months before travel.
    Decisions usually made within 3 weeks
    Maximum stay in the UK is 6 months.
    Cost of each visa is currently £87

    Steve the major requirement is to clearly demonstrate a non-immigrant intent.
    Means providing evidence of reasons to return home that outweigh reasons to remain.

    The application needs to be made via the UKVI online application system.

    Just for your info though here is a link to a downloadable form:-

    Here's a link for the guidance notes:-

    There are lots of posting giving detail hints and tips on how to go about the evidences for strong ties to Philippines/ returning home.

    Once I get back home I'll take some time to find the most relevant posts on this.

  3. #3
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    Their first step must be to secure passports.

    Here's some links on how to go about that, the documents needed and how to get them:-

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Thank you Peter,

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