No harm in a bit of car window shopping. Only a few cars are worth buying new. What I hate most is people moaning about how much money they have lost when they sell/part exchange. Look at a 3 year old version and see what it is worth when buying, and deduct a bit for the dealer margin. Accept that loss before you buy. I've bought 2 new cars in my life - both were not available in the model/spec I wanted - a Fiat Panda 100HP (zoom zoom), and a TVR T350 (broom, broom)

(I have just sold the TVR and recouped 82.5% of the original purchase price after over 12 years of ownership).
I think a lot of new cars on the roads are leased these days. Not for me, but some people need to have the latest BMW/Audi on their driveway on a 8,000 miles p.a. £250 a month lease + deposit. £12k spent after 3 years and nothing to show for it. Then start the next lease. I'd rather have something to show for my money.