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Thread: Let's spend the cash

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    No harm in a bit of car window shopping. Only a few cars are worth buying new. What I hate most is people moaning about how much money they have lost when they sell/part exchange. Look at a 3 year old version and see what it is worth when buying, and deduct a bit for the dealer margin. Accept that loss before you buy. I've bought 2 new cars in my life - both were not available in the model/spec I wanted - a Fiat Panda 100HP (zoom zoom), and a TVR T350 (broom, broom) (I have just sold the TVR and recouped 82.5% of the original purchase price after over 12 years of ownership).

    I think a lot of new cars on the roads are leased these days. Not for me, but some people need to have the latest BMW/Audi on their driveway on a 8,000 miles p.a. £250 a month lease + deposit. £12k spent after 3 years and nothing to show for it. Then start the next lease. I'd rather have something to show for my money.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
    No harm in a bit of car window shopping. Only a few cars are worth buying new. What I hate most is people moaning about how much money they have lost when they sell/part exchange. Look at a 3 year old version and see what it is worth when buying, and deduct a bit for the dealer margin. Accept that loss before you buy. I've bought 2 new cars in my life - both were not available in the model/spec I wanted - a Fiat Panda 100HP (zoom zoom), and a TVR T350 (broom, broom) (I have just sold the TVR and recouped 82.5% of the original purchase price after over 12 years of ownership).

    I think a lot of new cars on the roads are leased these days. Not for me, but some people need to have the latest BMW/Audi on their driveway on a 8,000 miles p.a. £250 a month lease + deposit. £12k spent after 3 years and nothing to show for it. Then start the next lease. I'd rather have something to show for my money.
    The only and best thing I have to show for the money is Emma, and she is costing me a future but with her by my side I am rich

  3. #3
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
    No harm in a bit of car window shopping. Only a few cars are worth buying new. What I hate most is people moaning about how much money they have lost when they sell/part exchange. Look at a 3 year old version and see what it is worth when buying, and deduct a bit for the dealer margin. Accept that loss before you buy. I've bought 2 new cars in my life - both were not available in the model/spec I wanted - a Fiat Panda 100HP (zoom zoom), and a TVR T350 (broom, broom) (I have just sold the TVR and recouped 82.5% of the original purchase price after over 12 years of ownership).

    I think a lot of new cars on the roads are leased these days. Not for me, but some people need to have the latest BMW/Audi on their driveway on a 8,000 miles p.a. £250 a month lease + deposit. £12k spent after 3 years and nothing to show for it. Then start the next lease. I'd rather have something to show for my money.
    Some of these lease deals can prove exceptional value for money. For example you could get a top of the range Golf for less than £200 a month which over 2 years worked out at less than £6000, which may sound a lot but it's less than the car depreciated in real terms over the same period.

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