9.17 Dependants and applicants under the age of 16
If the applicant or any dependant included on this application is under the age of 16 please complete questions 9.17, 9.18, 9.19 and 9.20. If not please go to question 9.21.
Is the applicant or dependant
16 years old or more go to question 9.21
less than 16 years old go to question 9.18
9.18 Give details of the person who will be accompanying the applicant or dependant when he or she attends their Biometric residence permit appointment
Name of responsible adult
Date of birth D D M M Y Y Y Y
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Relationship to child
9.19 Is this person the applicant or dependant’s parent or legal guardian
Yes go to question 9.21 No go to question 9.20
9.20 Please explain why a person other than the applicant or dependant’s parent or legal guardian will be accompanying the applicant or dependant
9.21 Declaration As required by the Immigration (Biometric Registration) Regulations 2008 (as amended) I confirm that I also apply for a biometric immigration document for myself and any dependants applying with me. If I am a sole applicant under the age of 16, or if any dependant child under the age of 16 is applying with me, I understand that the Home Office may make enquiries about any responsible adult nominated to be present when my/their fingerprints and/or a photograph are taken.
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y