Before I met Harlene I used to do a bit of running, purely to keep fit. I found it helped keep my migraines at bay.
I used to run at least 5km 2 times a week and 10km once a week and sometimes try and get a longer run in.
I actually managed the London marathon in 2012, although I did my knee in around mile 9, I didn't give up I still completed it with a combination of running but mainly walking.

Anyway.... I hadn't ran for 20 months, the week before our Daughter was born. And as Harlene told me she wanted to get fit and could we buy a treadmill, I sort of agreed. Before I knew it she had ordered one and it arrived Thursday.
Anyway I've ran twice now and Harlene is on her third run as we type.

My legs are aching and im tired, guess I need to get my fitness back...can't let Harlene be faster than me!