Quote Originally Posted by Jenky View Post
Quite right. Last time I went there I gave one of her brothers some money to buy an engine for his small banca so that he can continue fishhing. The engine he had was totally shot. It made me feel good as he can carry on feeding his family. But I did not clear it with my wife first and once the other brothers heard about my act of kindness she went ballistic at me for not telling her about it because the other brothers were now on her case asking where is their help!....Trouble is there are often just too many of them and once you help one then you are almost duty bound to help them all. They are like my two young daughters. If one gets a new phone or game etc then the other one asks where is mine? OK that is fair enough coming from kids. At the time I thought my wife would be pleased with my act of kindness but all I did was to put friction between me and my wife and between my wife, her other brothers and their wives!..............I should have known better than to get involved in Filipino family politics. Now I just sit and drink in the sun and let her deal with it all. I just give the kids chocolates and ice cream.
i remember clearly, as soon as keith posted our wedding pics, friend requests from my kin started pouring in on his FB page. told him who to accept or not with a specific instruction that if they ask him for help or loan to tell me first and i will deal with them. don't want to give them the impression that they can go straight to him if they need help just because he's now a family. i do sympathize with Terpe and really commend him & the wife for helping her family. i would do the same thing too but only for someone who rightly deserve it so