This weekend we spent our time preparing the condo for renting.
We'll need to move all the personal stuff not to be included in the rental

We've decided not to sell but to rent instead.
One of the properties we have in Mindanao will be used to house some family members who will lose their current home.
Despite the fact that they've known this would happen for 2 years now there's been no forward planning so now it becomes an emergency.
Well I'm sorry but I can't just let them be without a home. Especially as they're nice people and we live a good life whilst they have pretty much nothing.
Doing nothing is just not something we can live with .
We are supporting their children in school and they doing brilliantly.
It would be cruel not to ihelp.
Means we will lose a tennent and an income when they will move in. But we've promised to let them have some land close to where they live in the future, but that's another plan on the backburner for now.
Education of the children must come first IMO

For us, that's how it must be.

Life in the Philippines is good. But it can be unpredictable.