To live happily ever after , what a wonderful life we all would have, but in today's fast world can that still happen, i do hope so but you have to work at it together.
So what happens if it does not work out the way you both thought it would.
Many have heard or have read about men going of there partners for what ever reason and the women is left with nothing or very little and if she is not close to any sort of visa to stay here or even if she is here , she is the loser in most cases if you have a thick skinned man doing the dirty.
But what happens when its the other way round, its the woman who has gone off her partner and she is the one who is wanting a change, HAVE YOU GOT YOURSELF COVERED.
You try to be grown up over these matters and many of us i think have made a good life for ourselves before we meet our partners, maybe we have our own house , lots of savings and so on and even the older children too.
Your new wife has brought you happiness and may be even working helping in the daily life of building yours futures together but this is nowhere near what you had before you got together, so what was before is that yours to share between your own family if anything happened with your new wife.
Myself and Emma have a good life , she has the house built in the Philippines and she insist that the house here is for the children it is not hers as she says , savings we have our own plus joint too again i know i shall look after her plus i do hope she would be the same too, but am i 100% sure .
I am not living in fear of anything bad may happen but if it did i have things in place to try to avoid what happened between me and my ex fat cow infact very very fat cow . but again here is hoping because once a women is scorned she is had to please.