Why am i looking when i dont think i need another car, and when i do look there is nothing that jumps out at me either.
May be it was having the new car on holiday that made me think wow my car is so old, all the new gadgets now that you can have on your car.
So over the last week or so i have been looking, there are so many boring cars out ther and lets face it what do we do in them, go to work and go to the shops.
Its not like years ago where the car was everything you used it for your holidays getting from A to B and so on, so do i want a car to sit outside my house on the road and to sit at work too, yes it may look nice but a few thousand pound looks nice in the bank too.
My car i can leave anywhere and if it does get dented or marked at the supermarket its not the end of the world but spending that much money on your new toy well i would have a fit.
So do i really want a new 2nd hand car , i shall still look and still keep running the toyota, maybe i may wait till the MOT, thats only a few months away.
Now do i want a new 2nd hand camera bag, well yes i do the other one has broke, but can i fix it