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Thread: Marriage certificate wait time

  1. #1
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Marriage certificate wait time

    Hello all. I'm due to get married in February 2017. We then plan on gathering all our visa evidence as quickly as possible so my wife can move here and start our life together. One crucial piece of evidence is obviously the marriage certificate. However I've been seeing online that this can take SIX MONTHS to come through. Is this right and if so is there anyway to speed up this process?? I am using up all my leave next year to be in the Philippines for 1 month for the marriage and so the prospect of not seeing my wife for 9 months (when you include the 3 month visa processing time) just seems unbearable! We were hoping to be together for our birthdays in July. Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I can tell you it won't take 6 months...

    I was married in June. My wife arrived in England November. The reason for our delay was because she was pregnant and they wouldn't do a xray for the TB test and she had to do a sputum test.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Phew!! Thanks goodness for that. I was having a mini-freak out this evening about this. I was thinking of having to wait 6 months for this certificate and then a few more for her passport/name change and then 3 the visa application. If we are married in February is it feasible for us to be in England together for July?

    Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
    If we are married in February is it feasible for us to be in England together for July?
    Perfectly feasible ... yes!

  5. #5
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Woo, really pleased to hear that. I was worried that we would only get to see each other once next year and I would hate that. Glad to hear things should still be on track. Thanks everyone.

  6. #6
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    I know this is me being paranoid but has anyone ever heard of wedding paperwork getting lost so that it never appears on NSO database?? If so what would happen? After the wedding will my wife and I have any paperwork to confirm that it actually took place?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
    I know this is me being paranoid but has anyone ever heard of wedding paperwork getting lost so that it never appears on NSO database?? If so what would happen? After the wedding will my wife and I have any paperwork to confirm that it actually took place?
    To be honest anything can happen here
    That marriage certificate is important.
    Means someone, probably your partner, will need to chase and follow up to be sure to have it available from NSO

    Take a look a this thread:-

    I know it's quite old now but the principles remain, that a close and careful on the speeding up of the process is key.

    Do be sure that the Local Civil Registrar's office get a copy from the place of marriage asap.
    There are quite a few movements of that certificate so keep chasing.

    Personally I advise getting a certified true copy asap.
    It was always the case that the DFA & CFO would both honour that when NSO copy was not available.]Means very helpful for passport update and CFO seminars

    Please do check this is still the case.
    Always personally validate anything you find on Forums.

  8. #8
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Went to the embassy on my first working day here, was in and out in 15 minutes even though I was an hour early for the appointment. Went straight to Meycauayan for the license application. This would've been quick too but the line to pay was so long. I was left sat like a lemon in the marriage office while my fiancée went to pay. I didn't know where she had gone and she was gone for about an hour. Had to go back a few days later for pre-marriage counselling. Fat lot of good that was seeing as I don't speak Tagalog. Ali understood was "blah blah blah ejaculation! Blah blah blah withdrawal method!" I got the jist of it though. We have been told our license will be available for collection on 13th February, which gives us 10 days before the wedding. Phew!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
    Went to the embassy on my first working day here, was in and out in 15 minutes even though I was an hour early for the appointment. Went straight to Meycauayan for the license application. This would've been quick too but the line to pay was so long. I was left sat like a lemon in the marriage office while my fiancée went to pay. I didn't know where she had gone and she was gone for about an hour. Had to go back a few days later for pre-marriage counselling. Fat lot of good that was seeing as I don't speak Tagalog. Ali understood was "blah blah blah ejaculation! Blah blah blah withdrawal method!" I got the jist of it though. We have been told our license will be available for collection on 13th February, which gives us 10 days before the wedding. Phew!
    When I went for mine... the lady said... today we have an English visitor, so I will try and speak mostly in English... she did too... hopefully everyone understood!

  10. #10
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    When I went for mine... the lady said... today we have an English visitor, so I will try and speak mostly in English... she did too... hopefully everyone understood!
    That was good of her to try. I know it made sense for the guy to speak Tagalog, it wouldn't do to speak in English for my benefit only. It seemed like simple stuff, I asked my fiancée if they taught them that at school. She said not the part about contraceptives, which is a bit of a shock really. I would've thought they would've taught that. Suppose the church wouldn't want it. When the guy mentioned that the current president wants 3-5 children per family I jokingly said "zero" and a guy in a couple opposite us looked over and gave a swift nod, he was in agreement, haha. My fiancée has since been talking about kids already. Scares me to death to be honest.

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