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Thread: UK 'May Pay For Access To European Single Market'

  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    UK 'May Pay For Access To European Single Market' ...

    "Not on your nelly, chum ... forget it!"

    WHY? Because voted, by a sizeable MAJORITY, to leave the EU; which - to my mind - implies a 'clean break' ... completely devoid of ANY preliminary pussyfooting around in the process!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    It seems to me that our government and the EU Members are trying to get the best deal for themselves, something has to give to when they do trigger art 50.
    Who knows I don't think anyone knows

  3. #3
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    Lots of EU showing its muscles at the moment. Once the real negotiations start after Article 50 is triggered we should find things are a little different. Firstly, the individual countries want to trade with us, and the one who would perhaps be most difficult is Germany - but we are the second largest car export market for them... As for people movement - I see no reason in us having a Schengen type visa to visit EU countries, or a work permit for a job in the EU. Same applies for those coming to the UK. In reality what will happen is that EU citizens will have the ability to enter the UK and visa versa with no visa (or a visa waiver, similar to us going to the USA or Australia).

  4. #4
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    We will try to get the best deal of course.

    More negative vibes from folk who know no more than anyone else.

    The Europeans have plenty of their own problems to sort out without aggravating major trading partners such as the UK.

  5. #5
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    If they had got their fingers out and invoked article 50 we would not be putting up with all this crap now.

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