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Thread: Jobseeker Joe Lands Plum Role At Almost Ninety!

  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Jobseeker Joe Lands Plum Role At Almost Ninety!

    Well actually - with the Festive Season fast~approaching - his MAIN task is serving mince pies at 'The Cantina Bar & Kitchen' in Paignton Devon. But ... ...I daresay, the nearer we get to Christmas, his duties will extend to dishing up plum pudding.

    But widowed, 89-year-old ex-serviceman, Joe Bartley certainly isn't complaining. ... Mr Bartley had been looking for part~time work for fear of "dying of lonliness and boredom" ever since the death of his wife two years ago. Accordingly, he'd put an ad' in his local rag ... and voila! Next thing he knew, found himself being "taken on" by the Restaurant owners, doing light duties for 20 hours a week. ...

    Not bad for an who ... as indicated, is a few months short of becoming a nonagenarian!

  2. #2
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    Good on him.

    I have also decided to re-enter the world of work.

    It will be interesting to experience ageism in action.

    My first application form included a question (for survey purposes only of course ) on what age group you fall into... along with the usual ethnicity, sexual orientation nonsense.

  3. #3
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is bad language allowed in this forum?

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Application Forms, with their emphasis on academic educational qualifications were the start of a downward spiral for me, in terms of gaining employment. Because, ... back in the late 1960s, when a lot fewer of them were commonly used, I could rely upon my decent letter~writing skills (without divulging my lack of qualifications) that [usually] got me at least an *interview ... at *which, being of suitably~presentable appearance, such questions rarely [if ever] arose ... and, in most cases, I'd be offered the job.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    My exams grades were nothing to write home about, but I'd like to think that's not held against me. And although I am slightly dyslexic, if I take my time when writing, it's normally understandable!

    Other areas like mathematics I have improved since school... Given half a chance I'd like to do school again though.

    Although I've always found work easy enough. Only when I recently moved was first time since leaving school had I ever been unemployed in 24 years.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    Not bad for an who ... as indicated, is a few months short of becoming a nonagenarian!
    Now ... "dig" this!

    Canadian construction business owner, Jimmy Kickham from Prince Edward Island is well~accustomed to the "earth moving" for him ... to the extent that, last month, he even dug his own grave - using an excavator he had purchased away back in 1971 - and completed the task within mere days of he himself turning ninety. !

    "'s it there", he was keen to point out ...

    ... ...

    ... "th' only thing missing's the casket!
    ... and me, of course", he quipped.

    Aye, Jimmy - you "kick 'em" [your workers] into touch!

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quite a few of you have already seen my first post in *this thread about the old guy mentioned in *its title.

    But I'll wager most of those who saw the original, won't have had the opportunity of seeing its follow~up (#6) about the who dug his own grave ... on the cusp of 90!

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