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Thread: Trump's North Korea red line

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fred Trump's North Korea red line 4th January 2017, 11:15
fred 1000`s of pinpointed Bunker... 4th January 2017, 11:19
Terpe Not so much a red line more... 4th January 2017, 11:32
fred Ford just cancelled their... 4th January 2017, 13:56
Terpe I don't disagree at all. I... 4th January 2017, 14:49
fred My question was... What... 4th January 2017, 15:13
Terpe Most likely retaliations... 4th January 2017, 15:35
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  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Trump's North Korea red line

    WASHINGTON - In three words of a tweet this week, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump vowed North Korea would never test an intercontinental ballistic missile.
    "It won't happen!" Trump wrote after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said on Sunday his nuclear-capable country was close to testing an ICBM of a kind that could someday hit the United States.
    Preventing such a test is far easier said than done, and Trump gave no indication of how he might roll back North Korea's weapons programs after he takes office on Jan. 20, something successive U.S. administrations, both Democratic and Republican, have failed to do.

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    1000`s of pinpointed Bunker busting missiles??
    Send a powerful message to China whilst putting back N Korea`s nuke weapon tech 10 years?
    What would the ramifications be?
    What would the ramifications be if they do nothing?

  3. #3
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    Not so much a red line more of a red ribbon blowing in the wind

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Not so much a red line more of a red ribbon blowing in the wind

    Ford just cancelled their plans for a factory in Mexico...GM are next on his list.. Then north Korea?
    He`ll try negotiating first,but if all else fails..???
    I wouldn't want to play Russian roulette with Trump..

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Ford just cancelled their plans for a factory in Mexico...GM are next on his list.. Then north Korea?
    He`ll try negotiating first,but if all else fails..???
    I wouldn't want to play Russian roulette with Trump..
    I don't disagree at all.
    I just can't see the options that have no ramifications . There are other US allies such as South Korea and Japan for example who may get embroiled in something.

    I'm guessing plenty of countries are hoping Mr Trump will not allow his 'red-line' to be c rossed, but just what could be done ?

    Blast the launched missile out of the sky ? US does not have that capability.
    Destroy the launch sites ? There are far too many to know exactly which one and destroy it before launch.

    If I was president I'd have a special task force take out all key people and all the key sites. Should cost a lot less than what is already spent on other covert ops. IMHO

    Don't ever forget actions from China.
    Just as with the Korean war, China will not be able to accept any US military 'force' anywhere on it's border. Nor will Russia accept it.

    IMO both China and Russia feel they have the upper-hand / advantage in terms of military might right at this moment in time.

    Fred, why do you believe they may not be any ramifications ?
    Just an interesting discussion.

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    My question was...
    What would the ramifications be?
    What would the ramifications be if they do nothing?

    Thanks for your insight thus far..
    U.S is still the most powerful military nation on the planet...By far.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My question was...
    What would the ramifications be?
    Most likely retaliations against South Korea and Japan.

    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    What would the ramifications be if they do nothing?
    Hmmm, tricky one really.
    I can't imagine the option of US doing nothing.
    I'd expect US to apply very strong sanctions against anyone seen to be assisting N Korea.
    As that stands it would be companies in China

    Not sure how China might respond to that....

    Personally I hope Mr Trump has an ace up his sleeve

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