I don't disagree at all.
I just can't see the options that have no ramifications . There are other US allies such as South Korea and Japan for example who may get embroiled in something.
I'm guessing plenty of countries are hoping Mr Trump will not allow his 'red-line' to be c rossed, but just what could be done ?
Blast the launched missile out of the sky ? US does not have that capability.
Destroy the launch sites ? There are far too many to know exactly which one and destroy it before launch.
If I was president I'd have a special task force take out all key people and all the key sites. Should cost a lot less than what is already spent on other covert ops. IMHO
Don't ever forget actions from China.
Just as with the Korean war, China will not be able to accept any US military 'force' anywhere on it's border. Nor will Russia accept it.
IMO both China and Russia feel they have the upper-hand / advantage in terms of military might right at this moment in time.
Fred, why do you believe they may not be any ramifications ?
Just an interesting discussion.