The Filipino 'palate' can be quite different to that of us Brit immigrants.
As a kid I can remember we almost always had a selection of home-cured hams at Christmas time.
Usually we'd eat at suppertime with a salad. All these hams would have been dry-cured.
There'd be a few plates each with a different flavour which got exchanged around our neighbours.
My dad was one of the few who would be responsible for carving the slices from these quite large cured legs of pork, always bone-in.
I can remember him spending ages honing the edge on his carving knife. I think that knife was only used a Christmas for slicing ham.
The ham was quite hard and the slices were very carefully done so as to maintain a super-thin but consistent slice.
Happy times.
It's been a very long time since I've enjoyed such wonderful hams.
Most of the 'traditional' hams here in the Philippines seem to be only available at Christmas. I'm sure someone knows different but I've not had much success in finding any during my time here.
Of course there's the usual 'processed' ham available as vacuum packed slices or as the tinned variety.
I was told about a specialised shop in Quiapo (won't mention any name) and took a trip there to buy something special.
It's a very popular place and great patience is needed to get to the front and finally get served.
Some of the quality hams during season can be really expensive.
I have since been told that outside of Christmas season this shop is pretty much like any other 'standard' ham outlet.
I had considered buying what is called here a bone-in 'Chinese Ham'. Most are pretty expensive and when our member jonnijon mentioned he didn't like it one bit I decided not to try it this year.
Most of the hams here are essentially dry-cured then soaked and cooked in a soup mixture. After this the ham will be prepared, glazed and then roasted.
Anyway, at the end of the day the ham I enjoyed most was Purefoods Fiesta ham. It's basically a Ham Ball, Hamon de Bola, and easily available at all supermarkets everywhere (during Christmas)
Priced at around P525 for a 1kg ball
Means a ball of ham and a ball of cheese sets you back over P1000
Means I'm still on the lookout for a really good quality tasty ham here in the Philippines.....
...could it be a business opportunity ?