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Thread: Live and learn

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Live and learn

    I'm taking full advantage of the dry weather to 'sort-out' all the water leaks we found during the rainy season.

    Looks like 100% were down to our first completely crappy builders who seemed to either not care or have no idea on construction principles.
    At least my wife has now forgiven me for sending them home early to Cebu with a massive B*****king.

    Our second builders (one a family member) did a pretty good job all round. I still found fault with some of their 'hidden' practices and sent them home also. To be honest it was mostly because they started to really get on my nerves with their crap about knowing best.

    Well it might also have been because they couldn't accept my crap about knowing best.
    But anyway they too got set away.

    So now I'm sweating cobs mixing my own mortar and concrete and fixing some leaks that should never have been and also building my own laundry room to my own specs.
    Means proper water supply (without leaks) and proper water disposal (without leaks)

    I'm sure there are builders out there. I just need to find them.

    There's so much construction and development going on in our small community. So many constructions teams who look to be doing a great job (yes even behind the finished work)
    and will be using the best team(s) later.

    I have to say I'm 95% happy with our Marikina house. Just a few things to update. But I'm now wondering whether we should put some projects on a back burner.
    This is a big house and there's only the two of us 'rattling' around here.
    I like the space of course, but need to consider the extra expenses for upgrading the third floor above the already very acceptable living area available.
    We're no longer eager to have a live in maid/helper.
    Well I'm not anyway

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Just a quick heads up about blue water pipe..If its under gravity fed pressure and the joins are are glued and cemented into the wall you should never have a problem..
    If the system is pressurized then you might get the odd leak!!
    Best pipe to use for a pressurized system has a thick wall and is white in colour...Costs a lot more but damned good stuff..
    You may have seen it??

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thank you fred for your support.
    Water pipe leaks we had, but I fixed. One way or another.

    Our really bad leaks were from the rain

    I'll post some pics soon.
    You really won't believe what you see.
    Getting there now after ripping our various stuff.

  4. #4
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    The secret of gluing water pipe is to almost allow the glue to dry then apply more glue leave for about 2 mins then join them.
    Trying to find a good carpenter is a nightmare, they turn up with hammer and saw, no pencil, no square. Have you got a ladder? Not found one yet who can hang a door.

  5. #5
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    I know exactly what you are talking about.

    On my (small) place, they can do the main blockwork, pour concrete and put a basic roof on.

    I will do the rest.

    From previous experiences/nightmares, I have taught myself basic plumbing and electrics... and have not forgotten from my woodwork (cabinet-making) classes in school, how to cut and join pieces of wood together.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I know exactly what you are talking about.

    On my (small) place, they can do the main blockwork, pour concrete and put a basic roof on.

    I will do the rest.

    From previous experiences/nightmares, I have taught myself basic plumbing and electrics... and have not forgotten from my woodwork (cabinet-making) classes in school, how to cut and join pieces of wood together.
    Bless you, nice Avatar once again Graham

  7. #7
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    Haha... thanks Michael.

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