Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
Amazing lady and a very interesting video Arthur, what I have never understood is why the poachers don't drug these animals and saw off the tusks? They must be stupid killing them knowing that the population will decrease instead of keeping them alive so that there is a natural increase, therefore more ivory to poach. Didn't comment on this yesterday as I had no Broadband for24 hours due to BT updating service in our area.
It takes a skilled veterinarian to know the actual dosage for a large pachyderm for a tranquelizer dart michael,then you have to follow the groggy animal,then afterwards you have to make sure it recovers,cover its head with wet sacking etc while it comes round from the tranquelizer,time....time....time,poachers at the bottom of the scale are locals who know the ground and the game intimately,they dont have the knowledge nor luxury of time,so they spray an elephant herd at a watering hole or similar with a 30 round clip of 7.62 from a cheap AK because they are going to drop one or two quickly,shoot and scoot,hack the tusks out of the fallen animals skull with an axe and then vacate the area ASAP as game wardens shoot to kill,thats how its done