We have a new driver and he started just over 1 month ago, infact he has been with us 4 weeks and counting today 2 days and out of those 22 working days he has been off the last 7 days.
We get the phone call " i am not well and i shall be in touch", that was on the Monday morning, Tuesday no call, Wednesday we get a message i will be in work Thursday, Thursday no show later we get the call sorry about this but i will be in Friday i promise. Well Friday came but he did not and again no message from him at all.
Monday we get a phone call fro him at 11am , " did you get my text" NO," i must have sent it to the land line" he said, i am sorry about last week i had the trots and now my teeth are hurting but i promise i shall be i tomorrow ( Tuesday).
Well i want to get rid of him , and i am happy to tell him he is not for us and we may as well part company now rather then have a problem like this in the coming months.
Here is the problem the owner says we cant do that,and i say he is in his probation still so we have our rights to do this.
Well we have to be careful he says and maybe this could be because he is a black English man, now what they hell has that to do with someone who has let us down to many times i such a short time i have no idea .
We shall see if he does show up and what is to be done , i am just a cog in this machine just like the other cogs we have to fit and work together, plus its not my company and i just get paid each month, maybe i should just let them do what they are wanting, rather then when asking my opinion.
Before anyone asks the question we have Asians / Polish and White people working for us and they are fantastic workers, well most are .