Each night for about week the rat would come out looking for anything it could to eat.
Whatever food or fruits we had we soon learnt that we need to hide away.
We tried everything. Poison, glue boards, large traps etc.
We began to feel very down. Sometime we could hear it scampered, sometimes squeeking.
One time we found it up on the third floor and after arming ourselves with sticks and wooden bats we chased it all over the house.
Finally we lost it.
Another time after having no internet connection for the whole day I eventually discovered that the cable had been damaged due to being half eaten.
Nightmare. Especially as I had to own up to PLDT following ny complaint.
I set about sealing up each room in the hope we could trap in somewher. But no.
It was now trapped in the house crapping all over everywhere.
One night, about 1 in the morning, my wife heard it.
We again armed ourselves and set off downstairs. Again all the so-called poisoned bait had gone.
Pellets of rat crap all over.
Just where the hell was this thing hiding during daylight. Where was it's nest.
Then suddenly my wife spotted it run under the sofa.
Yet again we chased it, trying to figure out how to corner it and guide it out the open front door when it suddenly ran behind the TV came out and ran inside
my floor standing speaker.
Just above floor level there's a kind of horn opening to the base speakers.
It had gone inside. Thinking this was our chance I covered this opening and the beast was now well and truly trapped.
We disconnected the speaker and put it outside in the porch.
We could sleep easy now.....and we certainly did in the knowledge that we had been triumphant.
Next morning we tried to think how we could now handle this.
Not so easy. I really didn't want to just let it escape to the big wide world. I wanted capital punishment.
Eventually we resolved to keep it trapped for about a week and starve it.
So that was our plan.
Everyday we would shake the speaker and listen to it's scratching. Hoping it would soon be no more.
Sure enough, after around a week, it was all quiet on the western front and I noticed ants all around the base speaker.
Surely this was a sign that the monster was no more.
Another disaster was about to reveal itself though......
This will be revealed in the next episode
Maybe someone can already guess what happens next?