We have all seen then adverts , and the budget airlines bargins , but have you tried to get the dates and the flight times you are wanting from the airport you want too.
Well then these so called budget airlines are not so cheap anymore and these search engines for hotels too.
I am looking for a short break over to Prague late March for 3 nights, flying out 25/03 back on the 28/03, well its harder then you think.
You want the best times but many who fly direct its a late flight out and a early flight back so you are losing like a day and then you have to include your bags and so on, then you add airport parking and the next minute your cheap break is not cheap anymore.
Easy jet flying out of Manchester and a hotel for 2 adds up to over £600 and thats not including parking and getting there, there are no direct flights from East mids so rather then a few hours flight its 7 or 8 or even more flying indirect .
But hang about lets look at British Airways , same dates same hotel, flying out at 7am, flying back when we want ie back in England 6.30pm for the amazing price £390 and thats for 2 people .
Ok we have to travel down there to London Heathrow and pay for parking and travel back too, so add on a hour each way compared to Manchester.
Looks like BA is having our cash again.