it's very sad news for all of us here in the forum. Life is so short. But for you Dave, be strong, "life must go on" for you & your son. Take care always!
Louella & Iain
it's very sad news for all of us here in the forum. Life is so short. But for you Dave, be strong, "life must go on" for you & your son. Take care always!
Louella & Iain
Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans... - John Lennon
We extend our deepest sympathy to you and your late wife,s family .God give you strength.
Our deepest condolence to you and your wife's family. Please be strong for your baby.
Your post has really set me back today..
I'm so sorry to hear of this recent tragic event..
You obviously have a very strong character to be able to think in terms of returning her quickly to the Philippines or even to be able to post here..
You have my deepest respect and my thoughts are with you.
Obviously you have spoken to her family.
Would they accept her ashes if it were not possible to fly her home in her present state?
Did you ever discuss this with your wife?
Filipina`s are often practical minded and 10,000 quid !!...
did she ever express her wishes?
Something similar did happen to people close to me a few years back and the brit embassy in manila acted shamelessly and refused any type of visa for the funeral.
I hope things go smoothly for you in whatever you and her family decide..
condolence to you dave and her family,what can i say is 10,000k is a cost of furtune to send the dead body in the philippines be practical if its hard to get the visas to her family why you don't cremate her and send the ashes to her family,try to explain to her family you can't grant what they wished to you bcoz its expensive to send the body in philippines the important is to have her a RIP
Just wanted to say a huge thankyou to all of you for your messages of condolence i have spoken to the home office here ( apparently london does not have a British Embassy) they have assured me that if i fax jasmines family a copy of the death certificate they will be able to take it to the British Embassy in Manila and will be able to obtain the visas and that if there seemed to be a problem just to get in touch for their assistance. the local philippine community have been so good and helped so much
it is still unclear if it was actually a blood clot on the lung although the symptoms were classic of this. the coroner has yet to confirm
I have just arrived home from Christmas with my parents and read your devastating news.
I hope that you will take heart that Jasmine is now in very safe and loving hands. As for you and your family, I send you my deepest condolences, and be assured that I shall pray for you all at this very tragic time.
By the tone of your messages in this thread you appear to be managing to remain 'sane' throughout this awful time and I shall also pray that God gives you the strength to 'pull through' which is surely what Jasmine wants you to do.
Dave, you are not alone on this site, as I am sure you know by now - and if you need anything - help - consolation etc.... I or (I am sure) anyone here at filipinouk will be more than willing to help you in any way we can.
God bless mate - I am so, so sorry.
Dave, we are so sorry to hear about the loss...eventhough we don't know you personally,we, as members of this forum thinks we are one family and so our hearts grieve with you and you are in our prayers. Be strong.
Gracy and Trevor
The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl
My deepest Condolences are with you in this hard time. I hope you get everything sorted.
My deepest sympathy to you and her family in the Philippines. Be brave Dave, there's always good reasons why something happens, good or bad.
I wish everything will be OK soon!
condolences to you and your family dave.. i hope things work out soon... god bless
Just few days ago, me and my husband discussed a topic like this of how I want to be shipped back in the Phils in case of death. Practically I answered, "maybe cremated as its much more cheaper..."
and just read these post...I might confirm it to him and talk to my family in the Phils about it sometime...subtly and in person.
Our heartfelt condolences to you Dave.
From Rob & Beth
insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...
Our deepest condolences Dave from Julian and I...
There is only one happiness in life...
D ...
Deepest condolences from me and Ashley. I'm sure everyone in this forum would be devastated by the loss of their asawa. Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Brian and Ashley
deepest condelences to both your families.
our condolences dave....
May she rest in peace in the glory of the Most Holy Trinity
ann and family...
My deepest condolences for your loss.
So sorry for your loss
Our Deepest Condolence....
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