Been a busy day and with me in charge i had more responsibility's to try to sort out , but all was done and i have a week of doing this.
I am very capable in my line of work and i dont need others to rely upon i just tell others to do there work and all is well.
Well tonight i got pulled into the bosses office and the door was closed behind me , well what is this about i thought.
Anyway i was told to sit down and off he went . BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA he went on and then the next minute he said we are giving you a 4.5% pay rise, for the work you have been doing and we appreciate all you have done.
Very nice i thought and i did not expect this either but its put me in a pickle.
The other manager is leaving this coming Christmas and they keep saying to me hes a waste of time , but i am leaving too and soon if it was left to me, but as its not its down to Emma to say when i can go like when i am 60.
But that is in 2 years time sort off.
I shall take the money and just keep quite i am thinking and when the time is right just give them a few months notice .