Would mean with other measures like huge fines would mean hopefully the system would not be abused half as much as it is now and then people who desprately need realtives and loved ones to get vist visas may get them far more easily.
If you break the rules you should pay. If you cant do the time dont commit the crime.
My Wife would love her little brother amongst over realtives to come over we would follow all the rules put down and would accept if we broke the rules the country would punish us. But due to all these overstayers who selfishly think of themselves, now the system in place means the chances of my Wifes little brother coming over for a visit are very very low.
If they said ok gives us the deeds of your house and they are not returned unless the wifes lill bro gets back on the plane, we as law abiding citzens would have no problem with that.
At the moment i can think of several people i know who have realtives or friends who are overstayers of visit visas and the like (none phill) there is no come back on the sponsor who has knowingly allowed them and supported them. Which as far as im concerned is aiding and abetting someone who has broken the law.
Due to the fact there is no come back to the sponsor and low chances of a overstayer getting caught for years. Something needs to be done.