hi dear friends i read all fourm so far which tooks me about a compleat 24 hours.
there were alot of useful information.

I have some more qustions as while i was working i recived some working tax. would it affect my application? or is it also account as a public fund?
at the time i asked from H&R about but they said i am entitled.but now i heard from some1 saying i shouldnt got it.wonder if any one knows about it? please let me know.
also my both baby boys are born here in UK. do i have to add them as well in my application as they have british birth certifecate.
and the important matter of all is i have no job at the moment as find it hard to get a job. all i did in the past was working as temporary position and never got permanent position.and never claim any jobseekr allounce.
but my wife did as she also climed housing ,child,benifit.
would it affect my application.?
by the way yes I am from afghanistan,and hope do allow me to be part of this kind community and share our story.
have got no savings as there is no income only me wife get her job seeker allonce and claim child and housing benifet.
as after i read this fourm we despretly looking for job to go off from benifit even they all are on me wife name.
the esol course i did was in the collage and have got certifecat for . do i have to do it again?
about wage sleep do i v to send them the whole 2 years or only some of them.? thanks in advance