You don't need a solicitor, you can do it yourself!Hello every one, would any one please tell me,
do i need to get a solicetor for my ILR Application?
Very easy to do it, just follow the ILR NotesI also will sombody please tell me step by step,how to start?
You shouldn't getting the jobseekers allowance because you are in the 'no recourse to the public funds' status. You have to cancel that allowance you're receiving ASAP, you may have to pay it all back because you are not entitled to it! If you don't cancel this very soon you may get a problem when applying for your ILR visa.i am married to a british citi and have to boys,age 2 and 6 months old.
me wife dont work and on jobseeker allownce. Now am worried if it cause me problem for my ILR Appl.
Maybe this is only the date you entered UK and If it is then this is normal and nothing to worry about.also on my visa ,there is a immigration order stamp black ink .when i got to heathro airport.what is that mean
.also when we got married,i was asylm seeker,but after 2 years case faild and I removed back to AFGAfter half way through reading and replying to your questions, now I'm not sure If you are a Filipina or not! What is AFG?? Afghanistan??
Are you sure that ESOL Certificate you hold is still valid? The best option is to phone one of the test centre and ask them about it.ALSO DO I NEED TO PASS THAT CITIZEN SHIP course befor apply as i have my esol certi from the past.
thanks from your pationt and my crap spelling.
looking forward to hear any idea soon .