I thought i may start a new thread rather the keep adding to a other thread that has nothing to do with this new one .
The good old days , we all have had them and maybe some ones has not started yet.
I am 58 years young so i was born in 1958 , i cant remember much about the early years at all, and yes i have lots of pictures of me as a baby and school days and so on.
But this thread is about when you ventured out into the world with your mates as teenagers or a little younger.
Being the youngest my brothers always had to take me with the and the hated it , but i learnt fro them and there mates , places to go to and places you dont go too, you had your own patch and you did not wonder into the other kids patch else there was fights, nothing like today, just the two eldest or hardest fought, a few punchers and a quick roll in the mud and it was over, a shake of the hands and pats on the back and we was all friends, we even shared with the enemy some of out best stuff then.
In our area there was a canal and a rope swing over it and what fun we use to have , a large wood to play in and climb trees and to make dens, we use to climb these trees and jump from them onto other saplings and hope they did not break but brought you down gentle , there was the odd one that did break but that was fun for the rest of us but ot for the one who was dying on the ground.
To be continued