I was born in 1944, my twin brother and I the youngest of eight children, things were I am told very tight in 1944, and years later a sister confessed to pinching our milk bottles when she was hungry!
Overall we had plenty of good plain food, dad got rabbits (before the mix came about) he also picked and trussed chicken for many people and butchers so we had rabbit and chicken, I remember as kids my siblings fighting over whose turn it was to have the rabbits head, to eat the brains!
Out one day my brother and I caught a young rabbit and took it home and put it in with dads, yes it had the mix! I have not had rabbit since.
We were out doors all day every day, playing along the river bank, on a rope swing that went out over the river, and of course we sometimes ended up in the tidal river!
If we were not there then we were at a disused chalk pit, sliding down the very deep craters' on bits of tin!
I had a very happy childhood.