Its time for my dinner break and so off i go into the canteen , its just after 2pm and just enjoying the break from the phones and computer, i even go onto the forum to see if i can add anything useful to or members here .
That hour is the fastest hour in the whole day, its over so back into the office i go.
As i fire up the computer again i am told i am going for a first aid course lasting over 3 days next month.
Well my answer was " no i am not",
Lats time i went on one of these the three days could have been put into 1 day , at the end of each day was a test and it was like a jolly holiday mixing with people who you have never met.
What ever happened to common sense, they asked what you would do if you came upon a incident and you told them , but you was wrong , you have to do it this way.
Well sorry in a class room where we are all nice and warm and with a pencil in our hands it is not real life.
I have had to use common sense twice in my life , and one was to save someones life, something just seems to click into place and it takes over.
I am now going on the one day course i May , now thats better.