With the usual crap and coupons from Farmfoods there was a letter from the solicitors.
Nothing bad just a legal update on things that may effect me or anyone else for that matter.
Looking through the pages there are School admissions appeals, Remarry in haste, Trusts and Wills and Who pays for your care.
Well the last one caught my eye and it does make you mad when you read it.
Save for your future, we was told, buy your own home, we was told , work hard, we was told and if you do all this we was not told that this would be taken from us in our later life to pay for our care.
Well what happens to those folk who just ignored all the advice and did not save , did not buy there own home and did not work.
Well bugger all , they get taken care of for free it seems .
Rant over, in the bin that goes with the other crap except the Farmfood vouchers .