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Thread: Visa for wife to join me in UK

  1. #31
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Make sure you book the correct one for a UK visa.

    There are different tests listed at different fees

  2. #32
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post

    Make sure you book the correct one for a UK visa.

    There are different tests listed at different fees
    Thanks for that, I will be careful when I am booking.

    Can I ask you a favour please? Can you ask your wife about the B1 test when she took it. My wife and I want to know if they replay the audio files before asking a new question. On the examples I have seen they replay it before each question but is that he same in the actual exam too? Thanks again for all your help.

  3. #33
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    The B1 won't be out of date. We are using my wife's B1 for her FLR application next year. The two year validity means it's valid up to two years for the initial spouse visa application
    So did you use the same B1 test for the renewal of her spousal visa several years after taking the test?

  4. #34
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Im my wife's exam, they played the audio only once and then asked questions about the topic.

  5. #35
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    Im my wife's exam, they played the audio only once and then asked questions about the topic.
    Thanks for clarifying that. It's misleading for the examples to repeat it then I suppose. Could you also clarify the structure of the exam? From what I understand there is the section where you listen to audio and answer questions on it like we've talked about, and then another where the examiner will ask you questions about your life "what's your name? Can you spell it? Do you work, what do you do?" And so on...are there any more sections to the B1 exam?

  6. #36
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    My wife's exam went like this:

    You listen to audio then you speak with a partner asking each other questions. Then the examiner asks questions about the audio to see if you understand.

    That as well she found easy.

    She tells me she found it easy.

    Then for B1 my wife had more extensive conversations with the examiner as she was the only one doing B1 on that day. To show she could communicate more than just basic questions. She had to show she could understand what the examiner was asking.

  7. #37
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    My wife's exam went like this:

    You listen to audio then you speak with a partner asking each other questions. Then the examiner asks questions about the audio to see if you understand.

    That as well she found easy.

    She tells me she found it easy.

    Then for B1 my wife had more extensive conversations with the examiner as she was the only one doing B1 on that day. To show she could communicate more than just basic questions. She had to show she could understand what the examiner was asking.
    Sorry for being a pain but can I ask you what questions your wife had to ask the other participant in the first section? Is that the same process for A bit then she doesn't have to have a conversation with the examiner afterwards. I think we are going to go for B1, she will be fine chatting with the examiner.

  8. #38
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    The questions my wife had to.ask her partner were to do with the audio that was played. It won't be the same for your wife as the audio will be different. Let's say it was about scheduling a holiday, then your wife might be expected to ask about how to book a flight of hotel. Or if it was about a place of interest your wife might be expected to ask questions and discuss How to get there. Its like that really. You get a lot of cues from the audio.

  9. #39
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    So as long as she listens to the audio carefully it should be easy enough? Thanks a lot for all your advice on this, it's greatly appreciated.

  10. #40
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
    So did you use the same B1 test for the renewal of her spousal visa several years after taking the test?
    Our FLR isn't till next year but yes she will use the B1 for the FLR application and ILR application. That's why we did it as the rules are right now she won't need to undertake another English test.

  11. #41
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    Our FLR isn't till next year but yes she will use the B1 for the FLR application and ILR application. That's why we did it as the rules are right now she won't need to undertake another English test.
    Good luck with the FLR, although by the sounds of it you know what you're doing and its just an exercise in paperwork...and money. I can't wait to get my wife over here. It's so strange being married but not being with her.

    There is one thing I am worried about though for my application and that is the financial requirements. Now I earn £23.000 a year so I'm well over the threshold, but the .gov website says to include bank statements only to prove this income with a minimum of 6 months required. Well if I did this it might appear that I am below this threshold as in March and April this year I am on reduced wages for the unpaid leave I took in Feb to go to the Philippines for the wedding. I did some calculating and if you take 6 months wages where 2 is reduced and then get the total and times it by 2 (for 12 months) then you get an AFTER tax earning of £17,600. I am planning to compensate this by including 12 months bank statements (which should show my gross amount as being well over £21,000 even with the deductions for the unpaid leave), 12 months payslips (which shows my regular pre-tax amount on ALL 12 months, including the reduced months) and also having a cover letter from work which would explain why I was on reduced wages etc you think this will be sufficient?

  12. #42
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    Our FLR isn't till next year but yes she will use the B1 for the FLR application and ILR application. That's why we did it as the rules are right now she won't need to undertake another English test.
    Good luck with the FLR, although by the sounds of it you know what you're doing and its just an exercise in paperwork...and money. I can't wait to get my wife over here. It's so strange being married but not being with her.

    There is one thing I am worried about though for my application and that is the financial requirements. Now I earn £23.000 a year so I'm well over the threshold, but the .gov website says to include bank statements only to prove this income with a minimum of 6 months required. Well if I did this it might appear that I am below this threshold as in March and April this year I am on reduced wages for the unpaid leave I took in Feb to go to the Philippines for the wedding. I did some calculating and if you take 6 months wages where 2 is reduced and then get the total and times it by 2 (for 12 months) then you get an AFTER tax earning of £17,600. I am planning to compensate this by including 12 months bank statements (which should show my gross amount as being well over £21,000 even with the deductions for the unpaid leave), 12 months payslips (which shows my regular pre-tax amount on ALL 12 months, including the reduced months) and also having a cover letter from work which would explain why I was on reduced wages etc you think this will be sufficient?

  13. #43
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    If you wait till you have six months with the right amount of income plus your last P60 which shows you earn over the £18600 that's what I would do.

    Terpe might be able to advise otherwise.

    I would take a look at the UKVI guidance on how they work it out.

  14. #44
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    If you wait till you have six months with the right amount of income plus your last P60 which shows you earn over the £18600 that's what I would do.

    Terpe might be able to advise otherwise.

    I would take a look at the UKVI guidance on how they work it out.
    The P60 I get in April will contain the 2 months reduced wages and still be over the £18,600 threshold by a large amount. I could include all bank statements for that financial year as well as payslips. I have earned enough this year and I am already over 21,000 already. I just thought that if I send 6 months bank statements only it would appear that I am below the threshold.

  15. #45
    Respected Member ssbib's Avatar
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    It says on that link that you can include payslips and all my payslips show my pre-tax amount on them. I'll make sure that I send 12 months worth which will still show I'm over he threshold. It doesn't say I can't say any more than 6 months, it says a minimum so I think it will be ok.

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