...since 1910, has become an Annual Event in the Christian calendar throughout the western world. And, as the title implies, its mission involves Christians everywhere coming together to
for people of other nations who - for *reason(s) beyond their control - whether *these be political, socio economic or ...
... whatever, find themselves in less~fortunate circumstances than our own.
Each year, so I'm given to understand, services are held on the first Friday of March. Here in Perth, the chosen venue for 2017 was the newly~refurbished sanctuary of the church which I've belonged to for almost half a century. And the theme for this year's Order of Service, viz- "Am I being unfair to you?" happened to be written by, in addition to being focussed on, 'the good Christian women of the Philippines'! Therefore, you can imagine my delightearlier this week when privileged to be invited to participate as the narrator of an appropriate Bible passage central to the subject matter.