Michael please dont take this wrong but for a man who has lived so many years and have done very well too, you seem to have very little knowledge of the real world out there unless it is something that you think you are wanting.
The biggest tv , the best sound system , the best camera the best budget car the best washing machine the list can on. but if things dont interest you, well i may as well go and talk to the wall it seems .
I and many others have tried explaining to you about Google and things like that, but straight away you are not interested, youtube whats that facebook you dont like , i must admit there are things i dont like and dont interest me too.
I sometimes think you are either a very clever man who is playing us along or a very silly man who knows nothing only what he thinks others will like him for.
Please dont think i am saying this out of hate i am not , its a big world out there and we are here to help but sometimes you have to help yourself first, thats a start aint it.
To any Mods if you think i have spoken out of tone please delete this