Thanks Fred, nice to come across someone who actually knows what Speedway isThe long lost Harringay Im told they had big crowds there back in the day, I was also involved in Greyhound racing back in the day not so long ago actually just over 10 years, sadly both Sports are in decline whereas Banger Racing/Stock car racing seems to hold its own, but Speedway has been my passion for more years than i care to remember, we lost our Track to like most others the Developers 20+years ago, 6 years ago we came back by Sharing (our deadly rivals) Wolverhampton Wolves Track, they are still in the Top Division, whereas we are in the Bottom Division with kids who ride for expenses only.
We have formed a Trust, and see us as being the Landlords, and the Speedway Promoters as the Tenants this hopefully would safeguard our future, the site we have identified is already designated recreational use its 8+ Hectacres in total size with just 10/11 Football Pitches in use at the moment, there is an unused Floodlit Crown Green Bowls, parking for 230 Cars and a couple of Coaches, but the area we have identified is totally unused except by a few Dog Walkers, and a little fly tipping, so it would not impact greatly on current users. The project would not be limited to Speedway, we would hope to re-introduce the bowls, and bring in a Rugby Pitch, Netball, Volleyball, Skateboarding, BMX, Cricket, Exercise Equipment, Cycle Speedway, and of course Basketball (if Phills can do it so can we), these would need to be at little or no cost to us, and need to be Grant funded, but as you can see most of these would be at little cost, simply nets and Pitch markings and area availability (on the Speedway infield), i think most of you can see how enthusiastic i am about the whole project, but we realise that the NIMBY brigade will have objections to some of these, mainly to the noise from the Speedway..