Hahaha some pretty lighthearted comments in amongst some serious suggestions, well i guess what we are searching for is a mixture of both, and my paper mache description was the best i could think of Lols..

Okay The project, briefly how much bandwidth have we got Keith ? . We have a Big Sports field of approx 8 Hectacres on this is a about 11 Football Pitches, a dis-used Cricket Pitch, and an unused Floodlit Crown Green Bowling Green, about 3 of the 8 Hectacres are overgrown uneven and pretty much unused.. except for a few Dog Walking paths, There is also a pretty modern Pavillion/Clubhouse which again is only used when they play football.
What we want to do is to put in a 360 metre Oval Speedway Track (Motorcycle Racing), and introduce other Sports, so that the whole Facility becomes an asset for the Community, in what is 70% a pretty run down area, the remaining 30% is owner occupier. The Speedway project would financially underpin the whole site, which incidentally is Council owned, what we are looking for is not just drawn up Plans, but a Model of the whole site, and in particular of the 3 Hectacre area where the Speedway Track would be, bearing in mind we want to put it in a Bowl Shaped Arena, and Highlight the Trees that will also help screen most of the project which could help to reduce the noise that it generates (Hence the need for 3D).
Whilst we are aware this may be unwelcome by some of the residents, there are regular Gypsy Travellers that visit the site 2/3 times yearly, and we all know what a nuisance they can be, a more regular use of the site could well reduce this nuisance. By the way Speedway will only be held during the summer months for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoons, so though there will be added Noise & Traffic generated we feel that on the whole the area will benefit..

There you are guys, thank you for your suggestions so far,, so any advance on a Blue Peter Project ?