Its a dream of many to take early retirement and to live happily ever after too. but is it like that for many.
Nearly all the folk i know who has done this have told it its the best thing since slice bread and many also say they wish they had done it sooner too.
Also i must add that many who have done this , have a few bob to see them right and good private pensions.
One person is still new doing all this but again he is so happy and his life of doing what he wants seems so far so good, but this person has not got the thousands that the others have, plus he is only 54 still.
Time will tell for this person to see if he has done it right for himself, i hope he will succeed.
So are there anyone or do you know of anyone who regrets finishing work early, maybe because of finances or a partner or its not what they thought they wanted , remember it may not suit everyone not working again.