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Thread: Bohol and Panglao

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Bohol and Panglao

    Its been a year or so since our last visit to both places but to me its such a beautiful place and in my eyes it beats Boracay hands down, well unless you are wanting to show off and look at me in front of others then Boracay wins hands down then.
    With the new airport and i bet so much more houses being built in gated communities i was wondering if there is still bargins to have.
    As i said the last time we was there you could see new houses and roads being built and you just have to pop on to the internet to see there are loads of small house and large ones too for sale, you even can get a small 3 bedroom house for around 1.5 million peso or the lot for around 800,000 peso.
    Its not a lot of cash for a new house but could you live on one of these gated estates and as its cheap and there is so many offers for locals to get a new house and pay for 30+ years for it, well will it become just a slum , dogs running everywhere and cockerels calling every hour of the day.
    Another thing is how they are built too, they dont seem to go up quite right in my eyes , nothing seems to fit right either.
    Sister in law use to live in a so called slum area and has moved to a very nice house on a gated place and the price after paying for it , just over 4 million peso, and after a year or so its gone down , dogs barking , cockerels doing there things and it just looks a mess, and that is down to the people who live there.
    hat i am thinking is if it can be done could i buy a place in Panglao and then just rent it out long term or for vacations, and for us to use too.
    Anyone has any experience of doing this or in your eyes a waste of time .

    P.S, Just thought i would add i am sure there are many more beautiful places that is out there , but for now i have not found them .

  2. #2
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Yes, Panglao was certainly the place i would have chosen to Steve, gated community ? No they dont do anything for me personally Steve, when i was there early last year there was a house for sale near to Bikini Beach, and it looked amazing backed down and overlooked the Beach, i did text an enquiry i think it was much around the 4 million your sister in law paid, French Kiss resort was up for sale at around 8 million, now i dont know your finances but for sure the Bikini Beach House would have been well within your budget, ask Fred to drive around the shoreline there, see if its still for sale, and get you some Pics..

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    The trouble is Harry , Emma is not sure of Bohol and the giant floods and the earthquakes and what ever else the bible may throw at us, plus she dont know anyone there either she says.
    But if its cheap it could be a place to stay at when i feel like it and so on.
    I must have Emmas blessing what ever we/I try to plan as its going to be in her name and once i have gone its down to her to either stay or sell it and having no children to leave it too , it could be more trouble then its worth , but its nice to think things like this could be done .

  4. #4
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Im sure the Family could help run this place when your days are done..

  5. #5
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Steve, I soon discovered that if you did not live in a very upmarket area you will find the cockerels and loud music etc etc....

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    Steve, I soon discovered that if you did not live in a very upmarket area you will find the cockerels and loud music etc etc....
    Thats my plan done for now,
    I am sure you are pushing me towards your neighbor in France

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post

    Im sure the Family could help run this place when your days are done..
    I am sure you are right there Harry.

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Ive said it before and I`ll say it again..Do a 6 month mock run..Rent a place first!!
    Get a feel for the area and hopefully in that time you will know if its for you..Or not!
    Also gives you time to to check out property,land etc on your own terms and time to really learn about your personal cost of living etc..
    Forums and the internet are good for certain things...Boots here on the ground for a good few months gives you real information custom fit for YOU and the Mrs!
    It`s what you really need to do IMO when the time is right..
    As youknow..Here to help when or if you decide that Bohol is really an area where you want to at least give it a go.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Thanks again Fred, 6 months would be wonderful and i am sure we would have father in law to enjoying the time there, infact that may work in my favor too.

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