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Thread: Doing it with UKVACS...

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  1. #1
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    At last I've found a useful site! For months I have been searching for practical and helpful information for getting my fiancee over here so that we can marry, and today, purely by luck, I stumbled into here In the nick of time, perhaps!

    My fiancee and I are in the middle of the process - I'd like to be optimistic and say "near the end", but I am getting really wary about pitfalls and obstacles now! I went to Bohol to see her again on 15th Jan, having researched as much about the application requirements as I could find, having accumulated a pile of supporting documentation between the two of us, and having a grasp of what the CAVA process involved. Talking to CAVA did not prove as lengthy as I had feared, and Aboitiz picked up our docs and fee on 19th Jan. I went over there for 3 weeks, in the hope that, should she be called for interview, I might have the chance to accompany her.

    However, the docs were returned on 24th Jan as being "incomplete" - there was a note saying her "passport photo is peeling off".... A bit of a surprise, as it looked fine to us! But, after 10 minutes of close examination, I discovered a nick in the laminate covering her photo - very minute, less than a millimetre... I could see their point, but it did seem rather harsh - I feel the passport would not have been rejected at any airport control?

    Anyway, we rang CAVA to ask how to resubmit the application (they returned the fee, thankfully ) And then discovered there was no more CAVA! Groan.... so now we had to get to grips with UKVACS/TT. Actually, they were easier to call than CAVA, and cheaper! But, she had to apply for a passport renewal, and that didn't arrive until the day before I returned here, so she has had to deal with the resubmission herself. I must say, though, that it went smoothly... TT seem easy to talk to, and Aboitiz are very reliable.

    The biggest practical difficulty we had was getting the manager's cheques! My fiancee has no bank account and so they were reluctant to issue a cheque (I think this was in First National Bank), and we had to appeal to the manager (is there a simple way to get the cheque without having an account?). That was for the visa fee. And she had the same problem when she went to get the cheque for TT - but she just waved the other cheque at them and they gave no more trouble

    This morning, she received an invitation to interview, delivered by Aboitiz in spite of a completely incorrect address on the envelope! The invitation was dated 02/17/2006.. and the interview date was given as 07/03/2006... How would you read that? I assumed they meant 7th March, but did they mean 3rd July?? We decided July was too far ahead, so it must be March. And she was able to call TT to ask about it, and they confirmed that the format is dd/mm/yyyy. But why risk such ambiguity? Why not write 7th March? It just adds to the confusion and uncertainty!

    My initial joy at receiving the interview date has now been tempered by wondering why they have called her! I get the impression that part of the streamlining is to cut down on interviews, so there must be something that the embassy are unsure of? We have known each other almost 3 years, met last March for 2 weeks (when we got engaged), this Jan for 3 weeks, and submitted many photos from both visits, plus a wad of Yahoo chats, cards, as well as the other docs. Maybe they are concerned about our age gap? Is that likely to be a reason for rejection? I am 57 and she is 25. I've not conveyed my concerns to her, because I want to keep a positive spin on what is going to feel like an ordeal to her anyway. Anyone have any thoughts on how they decide who to interview and who to give a visa without interview?

    She also wants to know how to dress for the interview... I suggested white blouse, black trouser suit, black shoes, low heels. Is that too dreary and formal? What about make-up? None? A little?

    Enough for now.. any advice or thoughts would be appreciated...


  2. #2
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 18 2006, 08:33 PM
    . And she was able to call TT to ask about it, and they confirmed that the format is dd/mm/yyyy. But why risk such ambiguity? Why not write 7th March? It just adds to the confusion and uncertainty!


    She also wants to know how to dress for the interview... I suggested white blouse, black trouser suit, black shoes, low heels. Is that too dreary and formal? What about make-up? None? A little?

    Enough for now.. any advice or thoughts would be appreciated...

    Welcome to the forum Ivor. This is the place for info, as several guys here are going through the same process as we speak.

    The problem with the dates format? Well, therein lies the answer to the great problem of why such a dynamic and capable country as the Philippines is still a basketcase third world country: Because they don't really care.

    You have English officials communicating and liasing things through Filipino operatives, and that is the perfect recipe for mix ups over dates, as one uses UK format, the other generally uses USA format.

    As for what to wear, your suggestion sounds perfectly good. Not too flash, not too simple, and definitly not a Spandex boob tube and hot pants. You may laugh but I've seen a Spandex clad teen with a pensioner in the UK embassy before now She didn't get a visa, and was last seen running crying from the building when it was revealed she was already married, to a Filipino.

    Most definitly make sure you do not arrive late, or you have blown it big time. The embassy does not operate on Filipino time, surprisingly. Tell your lady to be prepared for a long wait, as my recent experiences with my mum in laws visa had her there from 11am until 5pm. She had two inteviews that day, but got the settlement visa okay, and now lives with us


    You will not be able to accompany your lady inside the embassy visa section, as applicants only are allowed in. There is a cafe downstairs at the back of the building you can wait in.

    Tell her to be polite and guarded with her replies during the interview, and shy away from saying more than necessary: don't gush, and be reasonably subservient and respectful.

    PLUS, make sure she understands the interviewers are convinced all Filipinos are lowlifes on the scrounge for an easy and better life in the UK, and will hook onto any guy who will take them away from the PI. That is the way they will view her, and she needs to show them otherwise, by explaining that she just wants to be together with you, wherever you go, and by knowing such details as when your birthday is, where you live, your age, your employ, your family details etc. She needs to show them you have a solid and stable relationship.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply, Pauldo - it's confirmed some of my thoughts. And Filipino time is something I am still trying to get used to! Most of the clocks in Tagbilaran seem to be +10 mins for some unknown reason! Most... but not all

    I'll not be able to get back to Phil for my fiancee's interview as I have only just got back from my visit there, but she is OK about getting to Manila with an aunt who knows the place. And I have confidence in her "mindset" regarding the interview, though I think anyone is likely to feel nervous and intimidated at such an important event? How should she address the interrogator...oops... interviewer? Use sir/madam? Does she need to show confidence or deference? I really feel for her, having to go through this ordeal... I just wish I could do the interview for her... Anyway, hope for the best and plan for the worst


  4. #4
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Hi Ivor,
    welcome to the forum, it is understandable that you have some concerns about the interview and everything that is involved.

    There is a lot of info on this forum if you get the chance have a good look through it, also pete here has a link to his website that has generally what you need to know about how to prepare your wife "to be" for the interview.

    Actually ivor here is the link below for pete's website so just click on it and have a look...


  5. #5
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Feb 19 2006, 01:07 AM

    Actually ivor here is the link below for pete's website so just click on it and have a look...
    Thanks, John. I've had a look at that site and am now more confused! It says:

    " If an applicant is asked to attend for a visa interview, their passport and supporting documents will be returned to them, and they will be asked to attend for an interview at British Embassy Manila".

    TT returned her passport, but, AFAIA, the embassy still has the supporting docs? Should she expect to have the docs returned and take them with her to the interview? Or will the Embassy make them available when she arrives?


  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 19 2006, 11:17 AM
    Thanks, John. I've had a look at that site and am now more confused! It says:

    " If an applicant is asked to attend for a visa interview, their passport and supporting documents will be returned to them, and they will be asked to attend for an interview at British Embassy Manila".

    TT returned her passport, but, AFAIA, the embassy still has the supporting docs? Should she expect to have the docs returned and take them with her to the interview? Or will the Embassy make them available when she arrives?



    Welcome to the forum, your GF's passport has most probably been returned assuming that the laminated strip has been sorted out, because she needs it to go to the Embassy for her interview, without it, she wont get pased the guards at the steps, its as simple as that, the remainder of the documents, may in this case have been retained by UKVacs, to be passed over to the Embassy for her interview, I would not be unduly perturbed by this, its this simple, if she does not receive any supporting documentation back, thats good news, it means her interview will go forward as normal.

    John has given you good advice, Pauldo has also alluded to some very useful interview and preparation tips, if you want to get you GF to go online and get some interview experience, you can also yourself read at

    and follow this thread, get your GF to read about how entry clearance officers make decisiions, dress is normally formal as Pauldo has said, tube top, flip flop, tank top, back flop, braless and stainless is definately out.


  7. #7
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Feb 19 2006, 01:18 PM

    Oh dear... now I am really concerned... I wish I could have found this information earlier... Is it really necessary to have pre-booked a date with the Registry Office here? This is the first time I have come across that requirement. Our plan, as I stated in my covering letter to the Embassy, is to arrange the marriage here if the visa has been granted, within 3 months of my fiancee's arrival, hopefully in June or July. If this is truly an essential requirement, then it is a big blow.... I can understand that they want us to have shown some serious consideration about the date, but to actually have pre-booked??!! Oh.... does anyone have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions please?


  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 19 2006, 12:45 PM
    Oh dear... now I am really concerned... I wish I could have found this information earlier... Is it really necessary to have pre-booked a date with the Registry Office here? This is the first time I have come across that requirement. Our plan, as I stated in my covering letter to the Embassy, is to arrange the marriage here if the visa has been granted, within 3 months of my fiancee's arrival, hopefully in June or July. If this is truly an essential requirement, then it is a big blow.... I can understand that they want us to have shown some serious consideration about the date, but to actually have pre-booked??!! Oh.... does anyone have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions please?


    Ivor, Im glad you came here as you have done, your covering letter is a disaster, I have sent you a personal message, you may wish to call me at home today, I have sent you my home number for your call, if you wish to discuss your situation in detail, my details are at your personal message.

    To answer your point publicly, this has also been raised by another applicant, suggest before you send in your covering letter, you speak to me, your letter needs to show the details of your pre-planned wedding including dates and times, reception details, that will ensure a granting of your GF's visa, if you do not provide it, your GF has no details to offer, your GF will end up being refused, and you are basically..f....

    Any one disagree...Iam all ears !!

  9. #9
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    You said this:

    Maybe they are concerned about our age gap? Is that likely to be a reason for rejection? I am 57 and she is 25
    I can understand your belly flies are going around now, but the age difference is common in the Philippines, so dont let the frogs start croaking yet ?

    The fact is, your relationship will be scrutinized by the Entry Clearance officer I wont side step this for you, but tell it how it is...age could be looked at, their is a significant difference in your age gap to get their inbuilt prejudices going, Filipinas do tend go for older men, ( except in Keiths case hehehehehee stop it Keith.)

    The Age Gap is not in itself a reason to deny your fiancee a visa, they have more imaginative ways of denying, than simply saying " The Sponsor is too old for the applicant", I have known lots of couples of similar age differences go through the system with no problems whatsoever.

    If your evidence of relationship is good, say over the course of 1 year or more, then it shouldnt be an issue you should be concerned with, I think you are right not to mention your fears to your Girl, she doesnt need that worry when she goes for the interview, Filipinas by nature worry about everything, and can often feel intimidated by official sounding interviews and officials in General.

    Ivor, what I see in your situation is this : Your GF will need to satisfy entry clearance officer that the two of you are likely to remain living together as man and wife in the United Kingdom indefinately.

    That is where the onus of proof is on the applicant, so my advice to you right now, is to start training your GF in how to act on an interview, by all means refer your GF to my website, and to the relevant section I gave to you in a previous post, applicants who visit my site and others where this kind of information is available, (although I have yet to find a UK one that is as descriptive as mine), generally perform better on visa interviews and are granted visa's.

    The Proof as I have said is on the applicant, although as We have said previously, you can attend with your GF, but you have already said you will not be attending, that is sad, as she may have needed your support, even if you are keeping the 7-11 in business round the back of the Embassy, that would have dispelled any fears the ECO may have.

    I will always try to be honest with you, about what the ECO is thinking, in your relationship, I bet this is on his or her mind when they interview your GF.

    "Is this young woman going to do a runner after a few weeks once she gets to UK and gets in with the Filipino Community"

    This has never been mentioned on this forum before, but to be truthful, it is what is in their minds, some Girls come to Uk with older Guys, or often younger ones as well, no special age for this Ivor, then they get in with the local Filipino Group in the town where they live, and after a few months or even week, ( in one case I know of 14 days) and then they simply dissapear and start working in the Informal Economy).

    Im sure, your relationship is not like that, and is a very stable one, so Ivor, dont be offended by what I am saying, its not me who she has to convince, its an ECO who looks through his or her own inbuilt prejudices, sadly, they would have cause to think like this, since there are so many situations in the UK where this happens, so back to what I said.

    Your GF has really to convince the ECO that the two of you are going to live together as man and wife indefinately, or at least, the balance of probablity is that you will.

    Thats an intersting phrase isnt it ?

    Balance of probability ?

    Who determines what constitutes the balance of probability, the fact is, they that is the ECO does, so you see my point, its rather arbitrary I know, but that is the system in place, there are many rules that ECO's are directed to work to, do they work to them ? in the past, ECO's have misplaced documents, lied, made mistakes, made bad decisions and had them overturned, done all sorts of howlers, so the point is this, they are human beings in a job, so Ivor, you are at the mercy of their in built frailties and prejudices.

    But as Keith says, 99.99 per cent of visa's get approved, is it 99.99 Keith ? I thought it was 97 per cent..heheheheeh

    Best of lUck Ivor.

  10. #10
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    0 idiot here......

    Hang on! I run the place, better look serious...

    I wouldn't bother worrying about anything, just go with the complicated flow, it works out 99.99% fine in the end. Just that the UK Phil embassy staff like to think they are making life as difficult & miserable for everyone don't let them.

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  11. #11
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 18 2006, 08:33 PM

    My initial joy at receiving the interview date has now been tempered by wondering why they have called her! I get the impression that part of the streamlining is to cut down on interviews, so there must be something that the embassy are unsure of?
    My Mum In Law (MIL) recieved her interview instructions on a letter that asked her to supply 'proof of ownership of lands, property and businesses'.

    Now, as soon as this arrived at her house a 'helpful' relative started the process of faking land deeds to present at the interview. She had contacts who could do this. Luckily I caught wind of it and told them to do NOTHING until it was cleared by me personally.

    The whole concept of the visa we were after was based on the fact that the MIL was elderly, infirm and dependent on my wife and I, that she had no wealth, income or property. The friendly relative thought they were doing the right thing by supplying what the embassy letter asked for, but they just did not understand the situation. I e mailed the embassy to explain that the MIL had no property etc, but never recieved a reply of any sort. They did ask about it the interview a few weeks later though.

    This is something you MUST be prepared for when dealing with this visa operation from a distance. Make sure that EVERYTHING your lady or her family do, or say, or send, is passed by you personally.

    I'm pretty sure the very reason my MIL had had to go for interview in the first place was because the above mentioned 'helpful' relative had slipped a single bank statement into the applicaton, that had not been checked and passed by me. It was the monthly statement from the account that had held the 30,000 pesos I had sent for the visa application, and which subsequently made it look like MIL had a rather fat wad in the bank. The money was only in for three days, until the cheque was written up, then the account went back to its usual 'empty' status.

    A simple 'but I thought' from the helpful relative, but it could have scuppered the whole application


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    We are in the process of routing a 0898 £5.00/min helpline number through an Indain call centre so it looks cheap All proceeds will be given to charity.

    (Charity 10975789898: Keith & Pete get ratted fund)

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  13. #13
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    Originally posted by admin@Feb 19 2006, 06:35 PM
    We are in the process of routing a 0898 £5.00/min helpline number through an Indain call centre so it looks cheap All proceeds will be given to charity.

    (Charity 10975789898: Keith & Pete get ratted fund)
    You have to make sure the call centre staff can speak at least a dozen words of English, else they will have no way to keep customers on the line for ten minutes before admitting they can't help afterall

    Well, that's how most of them seem to work ayway

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 18 2006, 07:33 PM
    At last I've found a useful site! For months I have been searching for practical and helpful information for getting my fiancee over here so that we can marry, and today, purely by luck, I stumbled into here In the nick of time, perhaps!

    My fiancee and I are in the middle of the process - I'd like to be optimistic and say "near the end", but I am getting really wary about pitfalls and obstacles now! I went to Bohol to see her again on 15th Jan, having researched as much about the application requirements as I could find, having accumulated a pile of supporting documentation between the two of us, and having a grasp of what the CAVA process involved. Talking to CAVA did not prove as lengthy as I had feared, and Aboitiz picked up our docs and fee on 19th Jan. I went over there for 3 weeks, in the hope that, should she be called for interview, I might have the chance to accompany her.

    However, the docs were returned on 24th Jan as being "incomplete" - there was a note saying her "passport photo is peeling off".... A bit of a surprise, as it looked fine to us! But, after 10 minutes of close examination, I discovered a nick in the laminate covering her photo - very minute, less than a millimetre... I could see their point, but it did seem rather harsh - I feel the passport would not have been rejected at any airport control?

    Anyway, we rang CAVA to ask how to resubmit the application (they returned the fee, thankfully ) And then discovered there was no more CAVA! Groan.... so now we had to get to grips with UKVACS/TT. Actually, they were easier to call than CAVA, and cheaper! But, she had to apply for a passport renewal, and that didn't arrive until the day before I returned here, so she has had to deal with the resubmission herself. I must say, though, that it went smoothly... TT seem easy to talk to, and Aboitiz are very reliable.

    The biggest practical difficulty we had was getting the manager's cheques! My fiancee has no bank account and so they were reluctant to issue a cheque (I think this was in First National Bank), and we had to appeal to the manager (is there a simple way to get the cheque without having an account?). That was for the visa fee. And she had the same problem when she went to get the cheque for TT - but she just waved the other cheque at them and they gave no more trouble

    This morning, she received an invitation to interview, delivered by Aboitiz in spite of a completely incorrect address on the envelope! The invitation was dated 02/17/2006.. and the interview date was given as 07/03/2006... How would you read that? I assumed they meant 7th March, but did they mean 3rd July?? We decided July was too far ahead, so it must be March. And she was able to call TT to ask about it, and they confirmed that the format is dd/mm/yyyy. But why risk such ambiguity? Why not write 7th March? It just adds to the confusion and uncertainty!

    My initial joy at receiving the interview date has now been tempered by wondering why they have called her! I get the impression that part of the streamlining is to cut down on interviews, so there must be something that the embassy are unsure of? We have known each other almost 3 years, met last March for 2 weeks (when we got engaged), this Jan for 3 weeks, and submitted many photos from both visits, plus a wad of Yahoo chats, cards, as well as the other docs. Maybe they are concerned about our age gap? Is that likely to be a reason for rejection? I am 57 and she is 25. I've not conveyed my concerns to her, because I want to keep a positive spin on what is going to feel like an ordeal to her anyway. Anyone have any thoughts on how they decide who to interview and who to give a visa without interview?

    She also wants to know how to dress for the interview... I suggested white blouse, black trouser suit, black shoes, low heels. Is that too dreary and formal? What about make-up? None? A little?

    Enough for now.. any advice or thoughts would be appreciated...


  15. #15
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    She also wants to know how to dress for the interview... I suggested white blouse, black trouser suit, black shoes, low heels. Is that too dreary and formal? What about make-up? None? A little?


    Hi Ivor! This is cecille and pls ignore the 1st reply...none really...accidentally click wrong button.

    I had my interview at the embassy last year 5th September,scheduled at 10 am but interviewed at nearly 11:30. I dressed up simply but smart,I wore white trousers and red blouse with collar...I did not put any make up, just lipstick and made sure that my hair is not messy.
    When my name was called I went to room 7 where two english women are waiting for me.....One is looking at me everytime I answer the questions (asked by the other one who is beside the computer) weighing, I guess, the sincerity of my answers.
    I suggest that your fiancee should dress what she is comfortable wearing with but have to consider that she is going for an interview not a party(because I have seen some wearing inappropriate clothes).She have to know all things about you , specially all personal details because most of the questions are about you and she have to prove to them that she knows you very well plus it helps too if you will coach her on how to answer each questions.... she have to be very confident at all times while answering their questiions.That' s all I can say for now.

    Best of luck to you and your fiancee!

    Marc and Cecille

  16. #16
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Hi Cecille, and thanks for the tips. I really am overwhelmed by the amount of information and help provided here - USEFUL information and help! And I'm still trying to wade through it all!

    I foolishly believed that my fiancee and I were nearing the end of the process, and had prepared well - until I discovered this site yesterday! Without this site, I know now that we would have definitely had the application turned down, not least because we would have failed to provide a definite date and venue for the wedding ceremony... Now at least we have 2 weeks to prepare more thoroughly and increase our chances of success. It's really comforting and reassuring to know that such a site exists - that we may have problems, but someone is listening


  17. #17
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    Hi Ivor!
    Just a quick reply to your question about the ID ,the CFO needed...As far as I can remember,they needed her passport and two valid ID.
    Good luck to you and Mel!

  18. #18
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Marcel@Feb 21 2006, 03:16 PM
    Hi Ivor!
    Just a quick reply to your question about the ID ,the CFO needed...As far as I can remember,they needed her passport and two valid ID.
    Good luck to you and Mel!

    Its good to see Cecille on the Forum, she is one of our Filipino members, and its good to have a lady with us isnt it lads ??

    I would certainly want to welcome her here to this forum, I get many FIlipina readers from Philippines, but few come on as members on this forum, of course its nice to see Elsa (love8888) now and then, Gina does put in an appearance, (Marypoppins), and we have one or two more, but they come and go, well its great to see Cecille on the Forum, hope you stay with us, and keep helping other Filipinas to come to UK, by using your experiences, great to see you.


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