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Thread: Doing it with UKVACS...

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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 19 2006, 03:14 PM
    Thanks again for your invaluable help, Pete - so much I learned and just wish I had been exposed to this a lot earlier. If you ever escape back to the north, there will be at least one pint waiting for you


    I would be very happy to take you up on that one Ivor, I am always up in Sheffield area when I go and see my Mum and Dad, and anyway, its time Gina and I went to meet the parents, so its back to Sunny Thurnscoe soon, Maybe its soon back to the Democratic Republic of South Yorkshire, Im sure we will end up having a pint or two, its nice to have someone on the Forum, from up there in Sunny Sheffield hehehehe.

    Weve always had to put up with a scouser, a Welsh sheep..sssssgggggger, its about time we had someone on this forum with a bit of breeding....The London Guys have had to provide this forum with class for far too long, hehehehehehe....(come on ..flame lot up in the provinces)


  2. #2
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Feb 19 2006, 09:24 PM
    I would be very happy to take you up on that one Ivor, I am always up in Sheffield area when I go and see my Mum and Dad, and anyway, its time Gina and I went to meet the parents, so its back to Sunny Thurnscoe soon, Maybe its soon back to the Democratic Republic of South Yorkshire, Im sure we will end up having a pint or two, its nice to have someone on the Forum, from up there in Sunny Sheffield hehehehe.

    Weve always had to put up with a scouser, a Welsh sheep..sssssgggggger, its about time we had someone on this forum with a bit of breeding....The London Guys have had to provide this forum with class for far too long, hehehehehehe....(come on ..flame lot up in the provinces)

    Glad to hear that you have not lost your homing instinct, Pete! Just hope your taste for decent beer has not been corrupted by your exile Perhaps you could tell me over a pint about how "London" and "class" fit together - that concept is beyond a poor provincial bum like me at the moment :P And once the dust has settled from this visa process, I am going to need a few pints! Meanwhile... back to reading all the posts in this forum...


  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ivor&mel@Feb 19 2006, 08:49 PM
    Glad to hear that you have not lost your homing instinct, Pete! Just hope your taste for decent beer has not been corrupted by your exile Perhaps you could tell me over a pint about how "London" and "class" fit together - that concept is beyond a poor provincial bum like me at the moment :P And once the dust has settled from this visa process, I am going to need a few pints! Meanwhile... back to reading all the posts in this forum...


    Ok Ivor, you may tell your lady to point to :

    This is a completely new page, only took me 8 hours to build today, for want of nothing to build, hope that is of help to you in the future, also I have added a special java script to the settlement page which actually updates it every 5 minutes if it has been changed, so that the reader doesnt have to refresh it, it self refreshes, pretty cool dont you think, well thats me finished for the day, the CFO page is finally finished.

  4. #4
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Feb 20 2006, 07:39 PM
    Ok Ivor, you may tell your lady to point to :

    This is a completely new page, only took me 8 hours to build today, for want of nothing to build, hope that is of help to you in the future, also I have added a special java script to the settlement page which actually updates it every 5 minutes if it has been changed, so that the reader doesnt have to refresh it, it self refreshes, pretty cool dont you think, well thats me finished for the day, the CFO page is finally finished.
    Well done, Pete, that's excellent and very useful. You seem to have done more productive work than I have today! Does the auto-refresh work on all browsers? I use Firefox whenever I can. I have pop-ups blocked too - is that likely to cripple anything on your site?

    I was a little confused about the ID required by CFO before today - was it supposed to be passport plus 2 valid IDs, or 2 valid IDs including passport? Melanie rang Cebu CFO today and they said the latter, which certainly makes things easier!


  5. #5
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    I can't get rid of that phone woman though! She is following me everywhere! She's stalking me, I swear! Tell her to stop it! And "ha ha ha sorry you can't do that!" is no comfort to me either :P


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