Picked up the car from the airport , and within minutes we was on the road.
Within 3 miles there was a car broken down on the duel carriageway just before getting onto to M4 , so trying to get through that mess but we did, so over go again onto the M25, now which way do i go the M1 or the M40 i shall see when I get to the brow of the hill on the M25.
Yes they was queuing on the M25 so we shot of up the M40 and all was well.
Just before Oxford signs started flashing M42 , 60 minute hold up, now what shall i do.
Come of and straight onto the d Northampton road the A 43.
That knocked 8 miles of the trip, a nice fast road and soon we was onto the M1 in the roadworks,50 mph speed limit for miles on end, well till we reach the M6 turning.
Foot down and off we go again, hang about flashing signs again junction 20 to 21 closed.
That's the next junction i thought.
Yes there was signs saying 2 lanes blocked then its shut and flashing lights, but hang about they was starting to close it and we did managed to get through before it was shut.
Two more road works before we pulled of the motorway, then it was home.
A crap drive but home